You want the answer?
Scott Wagner, GOP candidate for Governor, will not release his tax returns. It is not a requirement to hold the office, but candidates have at least released part or all of their tax returns since the 1990s
Incumbent Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf has made it a focus of his campaign to pressure Wagner on the topic. At a town hall Monday night in Erie, Wagner fielded a question regarding why he hasn’t released his tax returns. Wagner returned with a fiery explanation.
“You want the answer,” Wagner asked. “I’m going to give you the answer, ok.”
“We’re non-union companies,” Wagner said referencing his role starting and leading Penn Waste Inc. “And so I worked hard for 40 years. If I make money or don’t make money that’s my business.”
Wagner also fears unions will harass his employees if the tax returns are released about how much one makes in the company.
“If I disclose those tax returns, union representatives get a hold of my tax returns, go around to my employees’ homes at night and say, ‘Hey Mrs. Jones, how much does your husband make?’ She goes, ‘Well he makes this.’ ‘Well this guy makes a lot more,’” said Wagner.
In furthering his defense of not releasing the tax returns, Wagner reiterated his work ethic and thought it was important to boast about the charitable work his company has done.
“I put 40 years of risk in. So you know what, how much I make is my business and nobody’s business,” Wagner said. “…For over 20 years, last year my company partnered, and partnered means giving money, partnered with over 150 nonprofit organizations…”
Beth Melena, communications director for the Wolf campaign, was quick to release a statement remaining consistent in their steady criticism of Wagner on the issue.
“Scott Wagner is hiding his salary from voters and employees so that he can continue to line his own pockets while raising rates on small businesses and consumers,” Melena said. “It’s time for Scott Wagner to release his tax returns and stop hiding from the people of Pennsylvania.”
22 Responses
We certainly don’t need another guy acting like tweeter trump.
I’m very happy this guy is out of the PA senate. I get so tired of hearing people like Wagner say that “they’ve worked hard for 40 years.” Well, so have a lot of people and they deserve a fair and living wage too. Unions go a long way into assuring that.
The only jacking that’s occurring is Wolf’s typical democratic style of governing through over regulation and burdensome taxation.
Like Trump Wagner doesn’t want the voters to see all the deductions he takes to lower his taxes to nearly nothing while paying his employees low wages to do jobs he wouldn’t do.
How about Governor Wolf moving his company to Delaware in order to lower his taxes. Hmmmm!
Scott has to determine whether he is a candidate for Governor or a Trash Tycoon. Just because Trump did not do tax returns, does not mean he does not. Trump did not release because he did not want people to know he was not that wealthy…and maybe Wagner does not want people to know he is not as rich as Wolf?
I agree with all the negative comments about Wagner, but at least Wagner did not lie about being forbidden to release tax returns by an IRS audit.
True. Wagner is now officially more honest than TheRump, who is the most dishonest public figure in history. Good work, Scott.
Quite a low bar to set.
The fact that he is afraid of union organization because of his economic status alone should tell us he underpays his workers. He takes from the communities he contracts with but is in no hurry to take care of his workers, and he wants to do what to the rest of us in thanks, I’m voting for Wolf.
Who cares.
What a piece of garbage
What a piece of Garbage
Trump reincarnated
Trump and Wagner are both awesome. The only garbage that is piling up, is what’s flowing out of the democratic candidates mouths. Like I really want my the United States to be turned into Venezuela. It’s time to throw the democrats in the dumpster by voting for Republicans.
Thanks for the BS say anything response.
Scott is trying to hide how much money he has while he jacks trash rates on his customers. He only cares about himself. The PAGOP got hosed by this guy. One of the worst candidates we ever nominated.
Mike Turzi woulda been better?
The only jacking that’s occurring is Wolf’s typical democratic style of governing through over regulation and burdensome taxation.
“If I disclose those tax returns, union representatives get a hold of my tax returns, go around to my employees’ homes at night and say, ‘Hey Mrs. Jones, how much does your husband make?’ She goes, ‘Well he makes this.’ ‘Well this guy makes a lot more,’” said Wagner.
… as though Wagner’s employees don’t know that he makes a lot more?
But, the real argument in favor of Wagner is: Hey, I’m not going to beat Wolf anyway.
Strange that Tom Wolf, also a successful business owner albeit one who shares profits with his employees, has no such problem being honest with Pennsylvanians.
He also runs a non union shop just like Dick Yuengling . But it is okay with our Union Leaders because Wolf is a Democrat.