PA-Gov: Wolf Announces Timeline for Medicaid Expansion

Governor-WolfThe PA Department of Human Services has set up a timetable for the transition away from HealthyPA to a full Medicaid expansion.

The process will be divided into two phases, first from April to June 2015 and the second from July to September 2015.

Phase 1, which will start in April and be concluded by June 1, will transfer those who enrolled in the General Assistance and Select Plan from the private coverage option (PCO) to the new Adult benefit package.

Also, all new applicants will be enrolled in HealthChoices Adult benefit package instead of the PCO.

In Phase 2, which will start in July and conclude by September 30, all remaining enrollees in PCO’s will transition to HealthChoices.

“Our priority is to ensure the transition goes smoothly and Pennsylvanians have access to health care,” said Governor Wolf. “By expanding Medicaid through HealthChoices PA, the program will better serve consumers and save money.”

“Governor Wolf’s plan will provide hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvanians with access to health care coverage,” said DHS Acting Secretary Ted Dallas. “The change to a traditional Medicaid expansion will make it easier for eligible families to get access to health care by streamlining the current system.”

Individuals being moved to the Adult benefit package will be notified by mail. The Wolf Administration insists no one will experience any gaps in coverage.

2 Responses

  1. Tom Wolfe is a good man.
    What a welcome relief from the punitive Corbett administration which wanted to inflict yet more harm upon the already afflicted— the poor, elderly, disabled and disadvantaged.
    As a right wing ideologue, Tom Corbett lost the state millions upon millions of dollars in stalling the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid Expansion in Pennsylvania.

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