Former Revenue Secretary Tom Wolf filed 12,000 signatures to put himself on the Democratic ballot for governor.
He submitted six times the requirement for gubernatorial candidates, which is 2,000.
“Thank you to all of the volunteers who helped collect more than 12,000 signatures from more than 50 counties to put Tom Wolf on the ballot for the May 20th primary election,” says a post on Wolf’s Facebook page.
Wolf has now likely scored his own spot on the ballot for the Democratic primary.
His news comes mere hours after former PA DEP Secretary Katie McGinty’s report of just over 5,000 signatures. Rep. Allyson Schwartz has bulldozed her competition so far with 22,000, and former PA DEP Secretary John Hanger came in with a respectable 4,600 signatures.
Not only do candidates for the gubernatorial primary need at least 2,000 signatures, but 100 signatures from at least 10 different counties is also required.
The state still waits with bated breath to hear official estimates from the campaigns of State Treasurer Rob McCord, former Auditor General Jack Wagner and Lebanon County Commissioner Jo Ellen Litz.
11 Responses
while circulating McCord petitions, I heard plenty of “I like what I’m hearing from Wolf.” mainly because Wolf was the only one airing anything. Give the “romance” 90 days and that flash – just like the buzz-kill Sestak – will just be a name on the ballot that can’t win in November. Polling asks folks wherever they ARE. Voting asks them to show up and actually cast a vote. The Dems haven’t been able to do that in the last three out of four cycles. Taking down an Incumbent takes another Incumbent who has proven he can win a State-wide election, twice. I bet a lot of those Schwarz signers signed other petitions not knowing any better. If she really has 22M, it’ll be a long, labor-intensive process to challenge them.
Denial is just a river in Egypt.
Rep is right. You would have to cut into the 40% and have it go to a single candidate. It won’t happen. McCord is too strong. Wolf is too well financed. And, Hangar might gain momentum with the legalization movement if he gets on tv.
When I was circulating petitions for a state rep candidate, people were asking me about Wolf. I wasn’t out there circulating a petition for him but were actively asking me about him.
@rep the poll master this is the same guy who picked jack wagner because of the polls and he got beat by double digits.this shows schwartz has a hell of a ground game the only candidate with over 9000 donors.the only reason wolf is leading because the public thinks he is the only one running for governor now we will see all his skeletons and believe me theres quite a few.so rep dont read into these polls i proved you wrong with peduto and i will prove you wrong with wolf.
LOL the illiterates strike again! Keep downplaying that Wolf led Schwartz 51-17, 36-9 and 40-14 in recent polls. Keep maintaining that Schwartz (she alone, none of the others) will eat into Wolf’s lead. Keep suggesting that the Philly candidate submitting TEN times the minimum amount of signatures and the better financed front-runner “only” submitting FIVE times the amount is somehow a game changer.
On behalf of those of us living in reality land, I’ll state the obvious. With 5 or 6 serious candidates, unless Wolf has a scandal or runs out of money, it is hard to imagine the non-Wolf voters coalescing around one single candidate to close the gap.
Let’s say Wolf is at 40% right now and the others are at 15% or below. Once everyone is on TV, Wolf may drop 10 or even 15 points. But it won’t be at the expense of one single opponent. McCord may jump 6 points, Schwartz 5, McGinty 4 or something along those lines. As long as these candidates stay in the race and drown each other out on the campaign trail, I think Wolf’s lead will hold.
Frank, your assuming no one else gets any votes out of Philly. MCCord, McGinty and Wolf will eat into that 20%.
It’s easy to rack up hundreds of signatures in Philly. Knock on a door and its probably a Democrat, knock next door another Democrat, and on and on and on. You can probably get 100 signatures just in a single block of row houses. It’s not that easy anywhere else in the state. The number of nominating counties and the total number of counties with signatures is a far better indication of the quality and breadth of a campaign. How many Western PA counties did Schwartz have and how many did she get to 100?
@jeremy 24 or 25% will win this election so all Schwartz needs is 5% more and she wins cause philly is solid 37 different counties signatures came from.
I would love to see how many signatures came out of Philly and its suburbs. I would bet she ran up the score in all those Philly row homes. Remember, Philly and its suburbs are only 20% of the primary voters. 50% come from WEST of the Susquehanna. Let’s see this transfer into polling data.
Actually wolf was paying from what im hearing and im sure you looked at all 22000 of Schwartzs signatures dont fear wolf can still buy some more workersto join the wolf pack.
Schwartz was paying people. Her signatures are complete sh** just look at them.
Schwartz with 10000 more signatures i think were starting to see why corbett thinks she will be nominee she has a ground game many volunteers.