PA-Gov: Wolf Presents Budget Legislation

Governor-WolfGovernor Tom Wolf today presented his legislative proposal to enact his recently released budget proposals.

The budget increases education spending by $2 million with a four year commitment. The governor’s budget also cuts property taxes by 50 percent for the average homeowner and reduces the middle class tax burden.

Furthermore, Wolf’s budget cuts the corporate net income tax by 50% and invests in programs such as the Made in Pennsylvania manufacturing tax credit.

Wolf proposes funding the education spending by introducing legislation that includes a severance tax on natural gas. Pennsylvania is the only major gas-producing state that does not currently tax oil and natural gas extraction.

Speaking about his legislation, Wolf said, “My plan balances the state budget, cuts taxes to create jobs with good middle-class wages, makes historic investments in education to prepare our kids for the jobs of tomorrow, and reduces the total tax burden on the average middle-class homeowner.”

Wolf’s proposed legislation is as follows:

Part I: General Budget Enabling Legislation

1.General Appropriations Act

Part II: Major Policy Initiatives  

  1. Property Tax Relief
  2. Pension Reform
  3. Manufacturing Tax Credit
  4. Online Home Health Care Worker Registry
  5. Pay for Success

Part III: Public School Code

  1. Omnibus legislation enacting major basic education and special education funding provisions, accountability, cyber charter reform, and other proposals
  2. Career and Technical Education Investment and Innovation Act

Part IV: Tax Reform Code

  1. Education Reinvestment Act
  2. Omnibus legislation enacting tax provisions to implement the FY2015-2016 Executive Budget

Part V: Additional Budget Bills

Non-Preferred Appropriations

  1. Pennsylvania State University
  2. University of Pittsburgh
  3. Temple University
  4. Lincoln University
  5. University of Pennsylvania

Other Enabling Legislation

  1. Capital Debt Legislation
  2. Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs
  3. Workers’ Compensation
  4. Office of Small Business Advocate
  5. Office of Consumer Advocate
  6. Public School Employees Retirement Board
  7. State Employees Retirement Board
  8. Philadelphia Parking Authority
  9. Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission
  10. Gaming Control Appropriation Act

3 Responses

  1. Here’s an idea. Let’s make Pa state and local government EFFICIENT! We have computers, smartphones, and access to all the information necessary to make informed and relevant decisions. We also have crowds of ‘EDUCATED’ people who staff the numerous State Agencies. PROBLEM: When you call or email a State agency it may take several years to get someone to answer your question if ever. Worse yet the State employes hundreds of lawyers who know nothing about the law or why the agency they are employed by exist! Now on to our State Representatives who conduct periodic Senior expo’s to enlighten us all to the wonderful benefits available to all of us IF we meet the qualifications which most do not. As for local yokel government such as council and commissioners/supervisors/zoning officers/solicitors/ etc, etc, most are functional illiterates who get elected to serve themselves. What a Great day for the State Government.

  2. Mo taxes right Tom? That is the demoncratic way.

    I see since you took over the state offices are even more incompetent. 4 more years of pure grief.

  3. 2014 Act 178, State Geospatial Coordinating Board? It has been asked for by local government entities for at least a decade now. Pennsylvania is 1 of only 3 states in the US that does NOT have one. How can we respond to disasters like what happened in WV without up-to-date, coordinated and consistent imagery, surface models and feature data?

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