Governor Wolf announced today that he will be vetoing HB 1538.
That legislation, sponsored by State Rep. Martina White, would prevent the revelation of the names of police officers involved in shootings.
At a time when police conduct is under heavy scrutiny, the bill was seen as being protective of officers while opponents feared it would protect instances of abuse.
“While I am deeply concerned for the safety of the Commonwealth’s police officers, government works best when trust and openness exist between citizens and their government, and as such, I cannot sign into law a policy that will enshrine the withholding of information in the public interest,” said Governor Tom Wolf. “These situations in particular – when law enforcement uses deadly force – demand utmost transparency, otherwise a harmful mistrust will grow between police officers and the communities they protect and serve. Further, I cannot allow local police department policies to be superseded and transparency to be criminalized, as local departments are best equipped to decide what information is appropriate to release to the public.”
It is quite possible Wolf’s veto could be overturned as the legislation passed the State Senate and State House with two-thirds majorities.
Governor Wolf’s full veto message is presented below:
18 Responses
Randolph, your head is in your posterior. All the bill asked for was a 30 day delay in the release of the name of the cop. As we have seen in the recent cases a lot can change in 30 days. If a cop gets charged in a shooting the 30 day hold on their name won’t make any difference. Stupidity like the Governor’s veto of common sense legislation is why he’ll be a one termer and why the Democratic Party is falling apart in this state.
This isn’t complicated. Stop shooting unarmed citizens and I’ll join you in supporting police who use justified deadly force against armed suspects. As inconvenient as it may be, citizens have a constitutionally protected right to ask questions of their government, including knowing the names of the people they are paying to shoot their fellow citizens.
Diano, your last comment perfectly expresses the attitude that has put the modern Democratic Party into a death spiral.
Glad to see you comparing the killer cops to illegal aliens, but that’s an insult to the illegal aliens, who aren’t using a government badge to hide behind.
Wolf allows Kenney to protect the names of illegal aliens residing in the city yet he does not see the need to do the same for the men and women who risk their lives to protect citizens.
I guess this guy is following the Tom Corbett plan on how not to get reelected.
Tim: Shut up. We don’t want the crooked press calling out anybody, considering the scams and cons that I’m about to pull off.
Tim: Your ignorance shows when you suggest Florida as a model for transparency.
Wolf is TOAST.
Shut up Diano! With your “PC” comments! What the state needs in full transparency and full open records! Use Florida as a model! By the way you Dumbo, Trumpy won! Shows how much you know you liberal fag! Why would state legislators wan’t to hide poice video from the public and the media, unless they wanted to “shield” them when they f’d up? These are public employees paid by tax dollars, everything they do should be under public scrutiny and under the microscope of the media watchdogs, so when they mess up, they are called out, so it is not replicated in the future!
The FOP wants more crime so they can justify a police state with too many police.
Yea. They should be tried in the public forum of speculation before being investigated. It’s our new American Justice System.
The FOP does a great job of supporting candidates that gladly accept the NRAs support and oppose common sense gun regulations…If the FOP starts supporting candidates who support gun control and not support the NRA, then maybe there will be less guns on the street and make their jobs safer.
Martina White: Fat cat McNesby’s lapdog. This bill would’ve created more shade in an already transparency-challenged state while widening divisions in already strained community-police relations. Way to go Gov. Wolf.
Good for Gov Wolf. I don’t like much else of what he does, but this is awesome
Uncle Charley has taught all of us in La Familia to be respectful and obedient of Police orders…unless they come from F.B.I. Agents. In that case, it doesn’t matter because they are probably on our payroll.
Super secret PA Legislature passes more secrecy. Soon we won’t be allowed to know our representatives names either, just a room full of white hooded, jack-booted thugs purring reassuringly “don’t worry, we got this, move along, nothing to see here.”
A good/bold stand by Wolf on protecting transparency.