Tom Wolf may be 20 points ahead of Gov. Tom Corbett in the latest polls, but he doesn’t care.
“The only poll that matters is on November 4th,” the Democratic nominee said during a campaign stop in Philadelphia. “I don’t look at the polls. I’m acting like this election is still up for grabs.”
Wolf visited the Welcoming Center for New Pennsylvanians on Thursday. The Center is devoted to helping immigrants as well as domestic citizens progress economically. He toured the facility, sat in on classes, and met with a group of small business owners.
He joked with students in English-language, business-skills, and GED classes. “He’s just a regular guy,” said Peter Gonzales, the CEO and President of the Welcoming Center.
“I’m looking for living jobs,” Wolf told the group of Pennsylvania business owners on a serious note. “There is social value in good jobs.”
The Democratic nominee also weighed in on the budget debate in Harrisburg.
“I think it’s a huge, huge structural problem for an administration when–four years in–you have a budget deficit. It’s not my Pennsylvania, and I’m a native Pennsylvanian.
“We have to invest in education. It is absolutely essential. The state needs to do all it can,” Wolf said. “I want to put a 5% severance tax in for education to try to unleash Pennsylvania’s natural potential.”
We’ll see if he gets the chance.