We conclude our series on the candidates for the Pennsylvania State House with a look at Delaware County.
Races to Watch
HD 160: Craig Williams* (R) vs. Cathy Spahr (D)
Williams is looking for a second term in Harrisburg. He has increased financial assistance for hospitals, introduced legislation to limit the influence of lobbyists and political consultants in state government and is an advocate on addiction issues.
Spahr, a senior transportation planner in the Delaware County Planning Department, is committed to bringing about legislation to improve women’s rights, including equal pay, reproductive health, and extended maternity leave, and for the development and funding of programs that address the illegal drug epidemic.
Dave’s Redistricting Partisan Lean: D+1.5
HD 161: Leanne Krueger* (D) vs. Ed Mongelluzzo (R)
Krueger has served in the state House since 2015. She is an advocate for women, school kids, the environment, and working families.
Mongelluzzo, a former police officer, wants to control government spending, support policies that reduce the cost of health insurance and prescriptions, and allow for more parental input in education.
Dave’s Redistricting Partisan Lean: D+14.8
HD 168: Chris Quinn* (R) vs. Lisa Borowski (D)
Quinn, secretary of the Appropriations, Commerce, Consumer Affairs Committee, has served in the state House since 2016. He wants to make healthcare more affordable and accessible, and supports common-sense gun laws such as banning bump stocks, universal background checks and by closing a loophole that allows criminals to possess guns.
Borowski, a Radnor Township commissioner, says she will always fight for public schools, support common sense legislation to end gun violence, including universal background checks, closing loopholes in firearm legislation, and red flag laws, and always stand up for a person’s right to make their own healthcare and reproductive decisions.
Dave’s Redistricting Partisan Lean: D+16.6
Other Contested Races
HD 159: Carol Kazeem (D) vs. Ruth Moton (R)
Kazeem, a healthcare worker, defeated Brian Kirkland in the primary, 56-44. She wants to extend her advocacy for education equity and a $15 minimum wage while continuing her district’s fight against gun violence and mass incarceration.
Moton wants to cut the school tax in half for our seniors at a minimum, focus police attention on violent individuals, and do more to hold police officers accountable to the safety of our community, and supports school choice as an option available for parents.
Dave’s Redistricting Partisan Lean: D+43.7
HD 162: Dave Delloso* (D) vs. Michelle Mattus (R)
Delloso is in search of his third term in the state House. He wants to get our schools the funding they deserve from the state so kids can get a great education while lowering property taxes.
Mattus, a Borough Councilor in Ridley Park, believes community policing is essential to maintaining the quality of life and wants to direct more funding to support education.
Dave’s Redistricting Partisan Lean: D+15.7
HD 163: Mike Zabel* (D) vs. Ken Rucci (R) vs. Alfeia Goodwin (L)
Zabel is in search of his third term in Harrisburg. He wants to ensure everyone has access to affordable healthcare, fight for the full and fair funding school districts need, and fight for universal background checks to bans on bump stocks, high capacity magazines, and assault weapons.
Rucci, former president of the Upper Darby school board, wants find solutions to help solve the complexity of issue in education funding driven by real estate taxes.
Goodwin, a retired police officer, says she stands for safer communities, election integrity, and defending the Constitution.
Dave’s Redistricting Partisan Lean: D+21.5
HD 165: Jennifer O’Mara* (D) vs. Nichole Missino (R) vs. William Foster (F)
O’Mara is looking for her third term in the state House. She says she is an advocate for quality education for children, affordable healthcare for all, good job opportunities for all skill levels and reproductive rights for women.
Missino, a small business owner, earned a spot on the ballot through a write-in campaign. She believes in working to enrich our public school system with no room or forum for radical ideology in the classroom, as well as believing we should all be calling the shots when it comes to children’s medical decisions as well as our own.
Foster has no online profile that we could locate.
Dave’s Redistricting Partisan Lean: D+17.0
HD 166: Greg Vitali* (D) vs. Kimberly Razzano (R) vs. Ed Clifford (L)
Vitali, who has served in Harrisburg since 1993, defeated David Brown, 58-42, in the primary. He says he is a strong advocate for brick and mortar public schools, women’s rights, criminal justice reform, sensible gun control policies, government reform, and equality for all under the law.
Razzano, a realtor, says she is a pro-worker candidate that will advocate to import jobs, to raise wages and lower taxes. She will also defend the American dream by standing against the progressive creep towards socialism, tax & spend government and job-killing environmental radicalism.
Clifford, a corporate treasury consultant, wants to defund racist schools, prohibit credit creation and loans for financial speculation by financial institutions and lower the tax rate to zero.
Dave’s Redistricting Partisan Lean: D+24.6
Running Unopposed
- HD 164: Gina Curry* (D-Delaware)
- HD 185: Regina Young* (D-Philadelphia/Delaware)
- HD 191: Joanna McClinton* (D-Philadelphia/Delaware)