Lieutenant Governor candidate Mark Critz has been endorsed by a number of prominent Allegheny County officials.
The former Congressman won the backing of Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald, Congressman Mike Doyle, Allegheny County Treasurer John Weinstein, and State Representative Jake Wheatley.
“Receiving support from this group is telling of how committed Western Pennsylvania’s leaders are to moving the state forward,” Critz said. “I am proud to have their support because we have a shared belief that creating jobs, funding education, and rebuilding our middle class will allow Pennsylvania’s future generations to compete on a global scale.”
The campaign has set up a breakfast for the candidate and the Allegheny Co. officials this Saturday at 9 am at the Teutonia Mannerchor.
Other Democratic candidates for Lieutenant Governor include Harrisburg City Councilman Brad Koplinski, State Rep. Brandon Neuman, former PSU assistant coach Jay Paterno, and State Senator Mike Stack.
22 Responses
I’m so f***ing over this race already, and that includes the race for governor. Just get this all over with already, please?
I don’t get it… Mark Critz is the nicest guy in politics . Every article on the LG race continues to generate such negative comments. They are unfounded and baseless.
Mark will win. You’re going to love him.
Have a great weekend
Big Boris
People, people, people. If other candidates had been as pro-life, pro-gun and pro-fracking as Mr. Critz , they would have gotten the endorsement of these democratic electeds.
@ steelers fan
ZERO experience? that shows that you don’t know what your talking about AGAIN. He worked with local, state, and federal projects since he started with Congressman Murtha when he was his regional director for over 2 decades. neuman has NO federal experience at ALL. if neuman ever try to get anything from washington he wouldn’t know were to start. AGAIN your trying to tear down someone else just to try and make your guy look good it doesn’t WORK.
Mark critz has ZERO experience in state government. Good for your being an eagles fan…
He is yesterday’s news.
@steeler fan considering im a Philadelphia eagles fan im not picking up what your laying down we need a lg who is ready from day one experience matters.
I don’t care about making lame jokes. That is what politicians do. The important thing is that we have someone who will know how to help us cling to guns and religion. And, the second most important thing is that we have elected officials who will fight to get people who deep down believe like themselves into office.
Whatever John…. if you say so. Here is a little summary for everyone else.
@steelers fan
get your story straight he was not thrown out of a caucus meeting at state committee he answered all the question and his time was up you only have 3 minutes to speak so don’t start telling lies. (I was there). just because your a neuman fan you don’t have to tell lies just to make your candidate look good. and your info on the tax thing is not true as well. readers take steelers fan comment with a grain of salt. (Signed be truthful)
I think some of those Allegheny Co. guys would be surprised to hear that they are pro-gun, andy…
Critz ran anti-Obama ads. He is not a party favorite, which was obvious at state committee when he was thrown out of a caucus for the gay rape joke.
It would be “something different” for sure if he won. Critz couldn’t even pay a companies taxes as bookkeeper and corporate officer.
He has no business being Lt gov.
Congratulations to Mark Critz for compiling an impressive list of endorsements in Allegheny County! Mark will be an excellent Lt. Governor.
Do people really not realize that all of the comments on this article are planted by Mr. Critz’ opposition? They would stoop pretty low to get their name out there… Disgusting
Mark critz adds something different to the ticket anf if something ever happened to the governor i would feel comfortable with him stepping in experience does matter thats why this race is between critz anf stack in the end critz wins.
Brandon Neuman is a highly impressive individual and someone we would be lucky
to have as Lt. Governor. He is a rising star and hands-down my favorite out of the candidates. I’ve often kidded we want to control redistricting so we can have him rep. us in the southwest.
I think Neuman has been making a lot of inroads and is a more impressive candidate along with Brad Koplinski and Sen. Stack. Neuman is his own man and I think he will be gov. someday.
Critz was never liked in Washington County and Brandon Neuman who is also running is extremely well liked and had way more class. Critz has a group of Internet trolls that will make you believe he has support but if he couldn’t beat Rothfus he won’t win in the end and will help bring the democrats down!
And women can’t stand him at all, especially in his own party!
An win for Critz is also a win for Corbett in the end!
I’m not sure who RivetingRosie is but I was at that event as well. Hearing “off color” jokes in the workplace is not ok. The response to them may be to ignore them. Mark Critz was at the Pennsylvania Federation of Democratic Women as a sitting member of Congress. He should have been representing the best that Democrats can offer…not telling gay rape jokes and then blame it on one of the Federations Members. You may choose to support him and that is your option, but I resent being told to “grow a pair”. This is another example of the continued subjugation of women that is rampant today. I found it offensive and highly inappropriate for the circumstances. With this gross lack of judgement, what can be expected of him when it really counts?
From the front page blurb:
The Democratic candidate and former Congresswoman…
I don’t think Critz is FTM, but hey what do I know.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! About time Democrats stand up for Mark Critz.
I am a big Mark Critz fan. I was at the Democratic Women’s event when Congressman Critz told a joke that some in the crowd found offensive. He got a bum rap. I thought the controversy was a whole lot of hoopla about nothing.
In real life, women who work with men hear off-colored jokes and remarks all the time. Grow a pair!
Congressman Critz, I think you are funny. Good luck!
It is refreshing to see elected leaders stepping up for Congressman Mark Critz. When he was in Congress, he never bought the fake “climate change” science the left has tried to force up our noses. He fought to keep Pennsylvania power plants burning Pennsylvania coal and Pennsylvania coal miners digging away. Now he is working as a lobbyist for the natural gas industry to expand tracking and bring more good jobs to our region. More Democratic leaders should follow Rich Fitzgerald and Congressman Doyle in support of Mark Critz for Lieutenant Governor.
Thank you Mike Doyle, Rich Fitzgerald, John Weinstein and Jake Wheatley.
Mark Critz has been an unapologetic true champion of the right to life for the unborn and staunch defender of defining marriage as a sacred union between a man and women.
It is encouraging to see such respected Democratic Leaders standing tall with a pro-life, defense-of-marriage Democrat like Congressman Mark Critz. On behalf of myself and many more blue-dog Democrats who share true Western Pennsylvania family values, I thank you.
It is good to see the pro-gun, pro-life, pro-fracking wing of the party can stand together and get one of our own in a position to do some things.