It has been a busy day for the Neuman campaign, first they unveil their first ad and now they reveal a long list of union endorsements.
The State Rep. and Lt. Gov candidate picked up the support of several different labor groups. The full list is included below:
– Keystone Mountain Lakes Regional Council of Carpenters
– United Mine Workers of America, District 2
– United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 23
– Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers, Local 9A
– Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 85
– Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 47
– Washington/Greene Central Labor Council
“Coming from the heart of the state’s coal industry in southwestern Pennsylvania, Representative Neuman has a deep understanding of the challenges facing working families and our industry,” explained Ed Yankovich, International Vice President of United Mineworkers District 2. “Our leadership and our members have full confidence in his ability to advocate for a reasonable energy policy that includes coal. We look forward to working with Representative Neuman for years to come.”
“Working people are under attack in state legislatures all over this country, and that is a tragedy,” Neuman stated in response. “I am deeply honored to have the support of these labor organizations in my run for lieutenant governor, and on the occasion of International Workers’ Day, I pledge to fend off any attacks on Pennsylvania workers, their pensions, or their rights to collectively bargain for fair wages in a safe and equitable workplace.”
Other Democratic candidates for Lt. Gov include former Rep. Mark Critz, Harrisburg City Councilman Brad Koplinski, Bradford County Commissioner Mark Smith and State Sen. Mike Stack.
4 Responses
Critz will win lg race. stack 2,neuman 3 or 4th.this is neumans ad,and you guys are talking about critz wow
Hopefully Critz will be able to use his clout to pay off state and federal tax liens they racked up while he was a multi-specialist CORPORATE OFFICER at Parkins, Inc. That is of course, after he runs his major ad-blitz in Horse Trader magazine before the election.
Critz isn’t a light weight he just isn’t well liked!
Anytime he’s won it’s been by the skin of his teeth and because of Johnstown! Let’s hope this is his last run!
Neuman would make a better governor than those that are running!
Headline should be Mine Workers endorse Neuman over Critz. Neuman head-to-head has outpaced critz at every aspect of the game and he is an up and comer. I thought critz would have been more formidable but he seems to be a lightweight kind of.