The Pennsylvania Progressive Summit, an annual meeting for all of Pennsylvania’s liberal activists, has announced their 2010 award winners and their nominees for Progressive Video of the Year.
Here is the release.
We are pleased to announce the winners of the Pennsylvania Progressive Summit Awards.
Seven awards will be given out to individuals and organizations who have led the fight to build a permanent progressive majority in Pennsylvania.
We received scores of nominations, making our decisions very difficult. There were many incredible stories of inspired and innovative organizing in the past year. We will recognize each nominee, as will as the winners, at the PA Progressive Awards Dinner that is a part of the PA Progressive Summit on January 22 at the Sheraton Station Square in Pittsburgh. (Register at
The following is the list of winners. You can find out more about each winner at Keystone Progress.
The Anna Burger Lifetime Achievement Award – Anne Feeney
Anne is being honored for a lifetime of commitment to the progressive movement. Anne is a musician, attorney and union organizer. She is a triple threat who has mobilized untold numbers of activists in her decades of work
Progressive Activist of the Year – Roxanne Pauline
As an unpaid volunteer Roxie has led the fight for healthcare reform and to expose the dangers of drilling for natural gas in the Marcellus Shale region.
Progressive Organization of the Year – PA Learners Online Education Association
PALOEA, PSEA/NEA is the first organized cyber-charter school in Pennsylvania and possibly in the nation.
Young Progressive Award – Jason Goodman
Jason, a full-time student at Penn, is the Youth Coordinator for EqualityPA, where he facilitates the Student Network Across Pennsylvania. Additionally, this year, Jason was the driving force behind the successful campaign in Lower Merion Township to pass an LGBT inclusive nondiscrimination ordinance.
Grassroots – SEIU Healthcare PA for its Express Scripts campaign
Bucks County area workers organized a successful nationwide campaign to save 400 local, good paying jobs against a concerted corporate campign.
Coalition Building Award – Pittsburgh United
Pittsburgh UNITED is a unique neighborhood-based coalition that works on local, state and national issues. They work to advance social and economic justice in the Pittsburgh region by working to ensure that working families and low and moderate-income communities are able to share in the prosperity that is generated by economic growth and development.
Video of the Year Awarded to individual or organization for best progressive video of 2010. This category gets decided by our subscribers who can vote online. The nominees are:
“Chickens” by Rene Calvo of Carbon for Change
“Republican Woman” by Jasiri X
“Stand for Me” by Joe Hoeffel 2010
“Tom Corbett Insults Pennsylvania” by Dan Onorato 2010
“What’s Tom Corbett Hiding?” by Keystone Progress
You can view the videos and vote for them here.
Voting closes on the evening of January 22.
The awards will be presented at the Progressive Summit on the evening of January 22 at the Sheraton Station Square in Pittsburgh. You can register for the Summit at