PA-Sen: McGinty Accuses Toomey of Shipping Jobs Overseas in Latest TV Spot (VIDEO)

Katie McGinty newest line of attack against Sen. Toomey is on trade.

In the midst of great anxiety over globalization and trade deals, the Democratic challenger is attempting to make the GOP incumbent pay for those fears.

“Crates like this hold manufacturing equipment that should make things right here in America,” McGinty begins. “But Pat Toomey votes for tax breaks that encourage packing it up, and shipping it overseas.”

The crate is marked “Ship to: China” and “American Jobs” and a forklift picks it up as McGinty is speaking (it is difficult to tell whether or not the operator is Governor Wolf).

“Workers in countries like China take the jobs our workers should be doing. Wall Street benefits, not you, or your family,” McGinty continues. “I grew up in a family proud to work. I’ll end the tax giveaways, and put your job ahead of Wall Street and China. I’m Katie McGinty, and I approve this message.”

The thirty-second ad is appropriately titled “Crate”.

9 Responses

  1. Could someone please provide me with a technical explanation on how someone gets a tax credit for shipping jobs overseas.

  2. She wants anyone who wants to walk across our border without background checks to do. She is just trying to get the focus away from her pro illegal immigration policy.

  3. Yes John. Katie was first woman in her family to graduate from College.

    What must be awkward is that it’s September and the incumbent is so obviously behind that he wants more debates.

    Toomey knows that the voters are on to him. He did NOTHING for six years and now he wants another six.

  4. Its hard not to laugh at this. McGinty opened up her can of ‘cliche smears’ and this is the best she could do?! Does anyone know if McGinty was the first in her family to graduate from college? …….awkward

  5. Has the asshole who wrote this “news” article been fired yet for his disgusting biased crack about if Gov. Wolf can be identified as the forklift operating shipping the jobs to China.

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