PA-Sen: McGinty Gets More Help from Harry Reid

Katie_McGintyThere’s no doubt Katie McGinty is the Democratic establishment’s choice for the 2016 Senate nomination.

Besides the fact that she’s received numerous labor endorsements, McGinty has gotten ample help from Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid.

Last month, Reid told the Washington Post that McGinty would win next year’s primary. A few weeks later, he took a swipe at one of McGinty’s opponents, former Congressman Joe Sestak. Now, it appears he is actively helping the McGinty campaign.

Sen. Reid makes an appearance in Jonathan Tamari’s great profile piece on McGinty in Sunday’s Inquirer.

“McGinty has some heavyweight support in her bid to become Pennsylvania’s first female senator,” Tamari writes. “After the minimum-wage rally, she joins a conference call in which Harry Reid, the Senate’s top Democrat, gives a pep talk to her allies, stressing the importance of the Keystone State race.”

In addition to McGinty and Sestak, Braddock Mayor John Fetterman is also running for the 2016  Democratic nomination. Incumbent GOP Sen. Pat Toomey is running for re-election.

7 Responses

  1. The issue here isn’t Harry Reid. The issue is Chuck Schumer who wants to take Reid’s place, and he wants whoever sits in this PA Senate seat to say yes to whatever he wants. Apparently, McGinty has already acquiesced.

    As for Rendell not having political power? Really? Whether he’s picked or backed a recent winner is beside the point. He sure roils the process on a regular basis. He’s either influential or a nuisance. Take your pick.

  2. jmarshak-

    What power does Santorum have in PA politics? He moved to officially moved to Virginia several years ago (unofficially sooner). He’s toxic, and failing at the kiddie table.

    How often has Rendell picked/backed a winner?

    Reid would be even less relevant to McGinty. Reid just wants to stick out to Sestak.

  3. Of course DD, because we all know that politicians have absolutely no power or influence over anything once they leave office. Right here in PA we have Ed Rendell, Bud Shuster, and Rick Santorum just to name a few.

  4. jmarshak –

    Harry Reid is retiring (not seeking re-election). So, how do you figure McGinty would be his “sock puppet”?

    Reid just doesn’t want a pr*ck like Sestak.

  5. More disgusting party politics. Rendell and Reid are propping up this empty suit because she has a track record of doing exactly what she’s told to do. Anyone but McGinty.

  6. Harry Reid wants her to be his sock puppet. Either of the other two candidates would be a better choice.

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