Democratic Senate candidate Katie McGinty is rolling out a new ad to capitalize on the biggest endorsements of the race.
Two weeks ago, McGinty picked up President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden’s backing in her race against Joe Sestak and John Fetterman.
McGinty has already aired a TV spot highlighting their endorsements, but is reiterating her support from the head of the Democratic Party with a new commercial called “Endorsed.”
The ad’s narrator says Obama and Biden have endorsed McGinty “because she’s a champion for working families.” The President and VP trust McGinty to take on Republicans in her fight for equal pay and protecting Social Security and Medicare benefits, the narrator says.
A recent poll indicated that a majority of Democratic primary voters would favor a candidate supported by the President and/or Vice President, so it shouldn’t be surprising to see McGinty again emphasize their endorsement.
Additionally, McGinty’s campaign pulled in more than $1.8 million over the first quarter of 2016, almost doubling her take between October and December.
She is running against former Congressman Joe Sestak and Braddock Mayor John Fetterman in the April 26th Democratic primary.
23 Responses
why lots of people think McGinty is yet another lightweight political puppet with questionable ethics:
1/Katie McGinty took $120,000 in campaign donations from a coal executive who just happened to be the owner of a dirty coal project that Katie fast tracked approval for before tighter EPA standards were enacted.
2/ Fastracking Bologna Coal’s permit to beat the EPA deadline , at redness’ command:
3/ The only candidate found guilty by a PA Ethics panel , despite vigorous legal work by Rendell, for awarding millions in contracts to a pro fracking company that employed her husband:
any one of these is a good enough reason to not vote Mcginty. we have enough politicians in office already with questionable ethics , anxious to do the bidding of the big machine.
McGinty received millions of DSCC dollars and bigwig endorsements because the big blue machine is so desperate to prop up her thin credentials and make Sestak lose. they do that by playing the ‘vote woman card’ and claiming her poverty stricken childhood some how outweighs her 800K revolving door salaries. lots of rank and file –and the Inquirer and the Post Gazette- just aren’t buying this big money bill of goods.
“revolving door” plays upon their other theme when it comes to Mcginty and Hillary – the “whore” theme.
They are sad, pathetic souls …
CPA dem what that link says is that someone had an expertise worked in government in a field related to that expertise, then also utilized that expertise in the private sector. It happens all the time and is literally what companies look for when hiring someone, commonly known as “professional experience”. Im sure if she had stayed in the government her whole career you’d be giving her a hard time for living off of taxpayer dollars.
From now on I’m going to assume anyone who uses “revolving door” when trying to explain why they’re giving Mcginty a hard time is actually an employee of PAGOP because that’s the same old tired talking point they;ve been trying to sell this entire election cycle.
My guess is that Joe will become a convenience store manager. But probably not at one of the few Wawas in Virginia, they’re usually well-run and don’t have much turnover. Maybe a 7-11 or a Piggly Wiggly.
When Sestak loses, what job can he get in Virginia that allows him to abuse and underpay people so that he feels more like a god? He talks all about what a productive congressman he was and not about the horrifying level of staff turnover because anyone who works for him sees the true monster.
Katie McGinty has received endorsements because she is the real deal. Katie McGinty would be a real voice for hard working middle class Americans in the Senate in the same way Elizabeth a Warren is a voice for average Americans over the self serving interests of Wall Street and the Big Banks.
Mmmmm, McGinty’s private sector experience comes from the disgraceful revolving door of DEP state workers moving on the private sector peddling their influence to industries they once regulated.
It was well documented by the Patriot News.
She’s taken million dollar payouts from the industry she once supposedly regulated while they polluted our land and water.
“I don’t recall a candidate who has done so little ever having this kind of unanimous support.”
could it be the numerous high-level appointments and the private sector experience? maybe it’s the whole “being a policy expert” thing? or perhaps it’s the fact that she’s not a total douchebag?
the senate isn’t a one-(wo)man show and the admiral needs it to be all about him. i’d vote for an oil painting of a cat to be the next senator from pa before i’d vote for that jerk. give fetterman a few years to grow into the role and he’d do a great job. mcginty is just ready at the right time.
Democratic Governor Primary 2014:
Wolf (57.86%)
Schwartz (17.64%)
McCord (16.84%)
McGinty (7.66%)
They are pushing the women thing here that is all
She even got crushed in her home county in 2014 (Chester)- the only candidate to receive less than 10% in her home county. lol what a joke of a candidate.
I keep trying to understand why “the party” is backing someone who finished last in her most recent party primary, over someone who narrowly lost in a general election to the current incumbent…
Well, Obama does have Senate experience.
Is Obama running for the Pennsylvania senate seat? Sure seems like it.
I don’t recall a candidate who has done so little ever having this kind of unanimous support. Party politics at its worst.
Where’s the Seth Williams endorsement?
Who gets it? Who even WANTS it?
Where’s the Al Gore endorsement?
Who gets it?
Yes please.
Are we voting for McGinty or for a third Obama/Biden term?
No Ed I’m pretty sure their support is real. That’s what happens when you aren’t a self obsessed jerk that everyone hates, you make friends.
They should call the ad “Fabricated”