In the three-way Democratic primary for next year’s Senate seat, Katie McGinty is trying to establish herself as the establishment candidate.
She’s already won the support of Governor Wolf, ex-Governor Rendell and tons of Western PA officials. Now she is touting the backing of over a dozen Mayors throughout the commonwealth.
The McGinty campaign today released the following list of Mayoral endorsements:
Richard Gray, Lancaster
Kim Bracey, York
Carolyn Comitta, West Chester
William Courtright, Scranton
Bob Donchez, Bethlehem
Elizabeth Goreham, State College
Sandra Green, Kutztown
Frank Janakovic, Johnstown
Thomas Leighton, Wilkes-Barre
Josh Maxwell, Downingtown
James Muldowney, Pottsville
Salvatore J. Panto, Jr., Easton
Bill Peduto, Pittsburgh
Most of these individuals were previously undecided and a few actually backed Pawlowski during his aborted effort.
The mayors of Easton and Bethlehem – now backing Katie McGinty – had stood with Ed Pawlowski in April at his kickoff rally.
— Laura Olson (@lauraolson) September 30, 2015
“Katie McGinty is a ‘can do’ leader who will deliver for Pennsylvanians because she doesn’t just talk the talk, she actually gets things done. That’s why mayors from small and large towns are coming together to help elect Katie to the United States Senate,” said Lancaster Mayor Richard Gray, head of Mayors for McGinty. “I began organizing ‘Mayors for McGinty’ because we need someone in Washington who will fight to improve the lives of hard working Pennsylvania families and Katie McGinty is the best candidate to do just that.”
“Katie McGinty has the right priorities to be our next Senator,” State College Mayor Elizabeth Goreham stated. “She’ll fight to grow jobs while protecting our environment just like she has done her entire career.”
“As a Mayor, I know it is vital to have someone in Washington that is a partner when it comes to building the middle class,” Johnstown Mayor Frank Janakovic asserted. “We can count on Katie to work for towns of all sizes across Pennsylvania. She knows that everyone benefits economically when all boats rise together.”
“Katie McGinty has been a leader on important issues that matter in Downingtown and communities throughout Pennsylvania,” Downingtown Mayor Josh Maxwell added. “Katie’s passion for improving the lives for middle class Pennsylvanians is exactly what our commonwealth needs in a United States Senator. I am proud to stand with Mayors, and a growing number of elected officials, from across Pennsylvania in support of Katie McGinty.”
“It is an honor to have the support of these mayors who are committed to making sure that every Pennsylvanian has a shot to get ahead,” McGinty responded. “We continue to pick up grassroots support from across Pennsylvania every day because people know that I’ll fight to create good paying jobs and stop unfair trade deals, fight for a higher minimum wage, protect Social Security and Medicare, and work to make higher education more affordable.”
McGinty is battling former Congressman Joe Sestak and Braddock Mayor John Fetterman for the Democratic nomination. Incumbent GOP Senator Pat Toomey is running for re-election.
44 Responses
Toomey would smother McG. Sestak will beat Toomey this time…….
Sestak is and always has been a phony. He’s an arrogant man only concerned about his own career and ambitions. Pennsylvanians get this, which is why we rejected him in 2010 and we’ll do it again in 2016, only this time we’ll reject him in April instead of November.
Ben Smith-
Well, then you should have a problem with Sestak as well. He’s a conservative who has memorized Dem talking points and positions so he can regurgitate them on command. He’s also pretty adept and revisionist history.
When I first me him in Jan/Feb 2006, I asked him if he’d support a constitutional amendment to secure the right for gay marriage. His response was: “Marriage is between a man and a woman.”
After the Supreme court decision affirming the right to gay marriage, Sestak now claims: “When I was in the Navy, I never understood why sailors couldn’t go back and married the person they loved.”
It’s one thing to come to the party late in support of same sex marriage, but it’s another to pretend you were with them all along when you made statements to the contrary.
@David Diano I’m not anti-fracking, I’m anti-hypocrisy and anti political cronyism.
Nobody should trust someone who regurgitates polled and engineered talking points especially when they aren’t supported by their own real life actions.
If being the most qualified candidate is the benchmark, then we should immediately recall Bob casey.
No. But a lot of voters do pick on physical characteristics and Sestak has tried to craft a tough/manly image for himself. But, the optics of Sestak next to the other candidates are not favorable to Sestak.
Also, you keep referring to McGinty as someone who is pro-environment and against fracking. You seem to be ignoring all the material from Ben that says exactly the opposite, and paints her a a shill for the oil/gas industry.
Observer #2-
Whether she is over her head as a candidate is still debatable, but in terms of qualified to be in the senate, the bar is so low that a dead cat is more qualified. Look at who is in the Senate now. Rubio, Cruz, McConnell, Graham and a host of others who deny basic science, math, economics, and common sense.
Ben Smith-
Some other poster pointed out that Sestak is pro-fracking and advocated that the US be Europe’s gas station. (I can’t find the quote myself, but this is consistent with Sestak’s military-industrial complex geo-political thinking.)
So, if this is your issue, Sestak isn’t a good fit for you either.
Also, Katie did not have the endorsements, establishment and money behind her in the 2014 Gov primary. I understand it’s the only data point you have, but it’s such an aberration, especially considering how Wolf blew away two other experienced candidates, that it’s not a good basis for prediction.
Senator Rutherford B. Cattywampus-
I’ve seen McGinty in a Gov debate and she’s been around politics a long time. I think she can handle the press. I don’t know what the media strategy is, or if they are just 100% focused on fundraising, but it’s still early and there will be plenty of interviews and public appearances.
McGinty is certainly qualified for the job, and if she did nothing other put her finger into the wind and vote with the majority of Senate Dems, she would be a vast improvement over Toomey. Fetterman is the most liberal/progressive of the three, and Sestak the most conservative (because he’s really a hawk and a closet Republican).
I hope to God she’s wins. Toomey will beat her by 10 points.
So are you saying that Katie didn’t fast track approval for a waste coal plant project of which the owner was a contributor to Rendell and then later handed McGinty a check for $120,000 dollars that went directly into Katie pocket because it was used to repay the personal loans she made to her campaign? FACT.
If Katie is such a big fan of the middle class, why doesn’t she live with them? (Middle class people don’t buy $1,000,000 homes or loan their campaigns hundreds of thousands of dollars, that are then repaid by huge checks from coal, gas, and insurance executives) FACT
All 100% verifiable. It is you who must dodge the truth, just like Katie’s handlers have her dodging the press. It’s all going to come out though and I look forward to the public knowing the truth.
Ben, I’m embarrased for you. You’re literally making a fool of yourself. You’re entire comment was a lie and absent of FACTS, including:
YOU: “Katie has demonstrated a willingness to sell out her principles when it is of use to her or her bosses, and that’s not okay in my book.” – 100% LIE
YOU: “She also claims to be a champion of the middle class, yet has zero real experience that would demonstrate that” – 100% LIE
Allyson Schwartz and Rob McCord each took a little over 15% in the Gov. primary. What’s your point. Money and endorsements helped lead Wolf to an impressive victory. I voted for Wolf in the primary.
**Need I remind you that we tried Sestak already and yeah HE LOST!**
You may be new to political discourse, but just because you have a hate-fueled opinion doesn’t mean it’s a fact.
Get a grip man! Pull yourself together!
Katie McGinty is by far the MOST QUALIFIED CANDIDATE and has more knowledge of the workings of the United States Senate than any other candidates and anyone posting on this blog.
Katie is a well educated, accomplished woman in her own right who is more than qualified to serve effectively in the capacity of a United States Senator. In fact, I would argue she is the most prepared Senatorial candidate that we’ve ever seen in Pennsylvania.
@FYI, everything I have posted is 100% verifiable fact. Name one thing that isn’t true, and I will gladly post a source.
The more you copy and paste the list of endorsements, the more you prove my point is that people support her because the Dem party leadership has told them to so and they are afraid to do otherwise.
Have you already forgotten that Katie only took 7% in the Gov primary?
Have you already forgotten that Katie was at least the 5th or 6th string and is only running because everyone the party approached before her wisely turned it down? Katie is an office shopper, nothing more.
McGinty has to stop hiding in a bubble and start talking to the press. Ask any reporter in this state and they’ll tell you that Mikus isn’t letting her do interviews. She has to answer for her shilling on fracking and coal.
Ask some of these mayors if they regret endorsing before the field was complete. Some have already said they do.
Thank you for your commentary entirely absent of FACTS.
Ben, you must be right, which is why all these people, Democratic activists, local elected officials, statewide elected officials, Democratic leaders, labor unions and organizations are rallying around Katie McGinty. Get a grip! Yes, I know your candidate, Joe Sestak, is desperate and destined to lose this election, but don’t spew your fact-less commentary and attack a stateswoman like Katie McGinty.
Katie McGinty endorsements so far…
-Current and former Governors
Ed Rendell, former Governor of Pennsylvania
Tom Wolf, Governor of Pennsylvania
-Current and former U.S. Representatives
Bob Brady, U.S. Representative and Chairman of the Philadelphia Democratic City Committee
Michael F. Doyle, U.S. Representative
-State legislators
Jim Brewster, State Senator
Dom Costa, State Representative
Jay Costa, State Senator and Democratic Leader of the Pennsylvania Senate
Paul Costa, State Representative
Dan Deasy, State Representative
Anthony M. DeLuca, State Representative
Frank Dermody, State Representative and Democratic Leader of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Wayne D. Fontana, State Senator
Dan Frankel, State Representative
Ed Gainey, State Representative
Mark Gergely, State Representative
Bill Kortz, State Representative[
Joe Markosek, State Representative
-Mayors and other municipal leaders
Kim Bracey, Mayor of York
Carolyn Comitta, Mayor of West Chester
William Courtright, Mayor of Scranton
John DeFazio, Allegheny County Councilman
Bob Donchez, Mayor of Bethlehem
Mike Finnerty, Allegheny County Councilman
Rich Fitzgerald, Allegheny County Executive
Nick Futules, Allegheny County Councilman
Dan Gilman, Pittsburgh City Councilman
Elizabeth Goreham, Mayor of State College
Rick Gray, Mayor of Lancaster
Sandra Green, Mayor of Kutztown
Frank Janakovic, Mayor of Johnstown
Theresa Kail-Smith, Pittsburgh City Councilwoman
Bruce Kraus, Pittsburgh City Council President
Daniel Lavelle, Pittsburgh City Councilman
Thomas Leighton, Mayor of Wilkes-Barre
Bob Macey, Allegheny County Councilman
Chuck Martoni, Allegheny County Councilman
Josh Maxwell, Mayor of Downingtown
James Muldowney, Mayor of Pottsville
Corey O’Connor, Pittsburgh City Councilman
John F. Palmiere, Allegheny County Councilman
Sal Panto Jr., Mayor of Easton
Bill Peduto, Mayor of Pittsburgh
Natalia Rudiak, Pittsburgh City Councilwoman
Austin Davis, Allegheny County Democratic Committee Vice Chairman
Nancy Mills, Allegheny County Democratic Committee Chairwoman
Stephanie Schriock, President of EMILY’s List
Nancy Mills, Allegheny County Democratic Committee
Marianne Conley, Baldwin Borough Democratic Committee Chair
Jane Braunlich, Bellevue Democratic Committee Chair
Reno Virgili, Bethel Park Democratic Committee Chair
William Zachery, Braddock Democratic Committee Chair
Tom Kosmala, Bradford Woods Democratic Committee Chair
Joseph R. Kleppick, East McKeesport Democratic Committee Chair
Norma Jean McCuen, Findlay Township Democratic Committee Chair
Reid Goldberg, Fox Chapel Democratic Committee Chair
Jim Vitale, Moon Democratic Committee Chair
Michele Zmijanac, Mt. Lebanon Democratic Committee Chair
Shannon Barkley, O’Hara Township Democratic Committee Chair
Orelio Vecchio, Pitcairn Democratic Committee Chair
Tonya Payne, Pittsburgh 1st Ward Democratic Committee Chair
Fred Wilburn, Pittsburgh 3rd Ward Democratic Committee Chair
Walter Anderson, Pittsburgh 5th Ward Democratic Committee Chair
Jeanne Cark, Pittsburgh 7th Ward Democratic Committee Chair
Vanessa Turpin, Pittsburgh 8th Ward Democratic Committee Chair
Ron Deutsch, Pittsburgh 9th Ward Democratic Committee Chair
Bob Palmosina, Pittsburgh 20th Ward Democratic Committee Chair
Terry Matuszak, Pittsburgh 30th Ward Democratic Committee Chair
Bobby Grieco, Pittsburgh 32nd Ward Democratic Committee Chair
John Wovchko, Robinson Township Democratic Committee Chair
Frances M. Salachup, Ross Township Democratic Committee Chair
Dave Buchewicz, South Park Township Democratic Committee Chair
Frank Zieger, Stowe Township Democratic Committee Chair
William Kelly, Turtle Creek Democratic Committee Chair
Angie Gialloreto, Wilkins Township Democratic Committee Chair
Joan Buchewicz, DSC
Barbara Ernsberger, DSC
Rob Frank, DSC
Mary Gibson, DSC
Jessica McCurdy, DSC
Sue Stoltzfus, DSC
-Labor unions
Sheet Metal Workers Local 19
United Steelworkers
EMILY’s List
None of what you’ve posted about Katie McGinty qualifies her for Senate, and that’s not what she’s even campaigning on. She claims to be pro environment and pro middle class yet the way she has lived her life doesn’t support any of that.
Katie McGinty is a world class hypocrite and here’s why:
She claims to be a champion for the environment, yet fast tracked approval for a dirty coal plant before tighter regulations took effect that would have spewed mercury into to the air. She took $120,000 in campaign contributions from the owner of that project who just also happened to be a supporter of her boss at the time, Ed Rendell.
Katie has demonstrated a willingness to sell out her principles when it is of use to her or her bosses, and that’s not okay in my book.
She also claims to be a champion of the middle class, yet has zero real experience that would demonstrate that.
Katie and her husband live in a $1,000,000 plus home and have both chosen professions that have made both of them very wealthy. After she left DEP, she took a job with Ed Rendell’s venture capital firm that supports the gas and fracking industry. There is no public service in that.
After taking 7% of the vote in the Gov primary, she quite her position as Chief of Staff after 6 months in the middle of a budget stalemate that is really hurting a lot of people. She ran off to seek higher office when the opportunity arose. I don’t see how people can respect that.
The only reason so many current politicians are supporting McGinty is because the state party has told them to do so and they fear losing the party’s support when their own election comes up. Everyone knows that. It’s sickening.
My biggest issue with Sestak is that his family doesn’t even live in PA.
Fetterman has actually taken on a problem that nobody else was willing to do for next to no pay and has made tremendous progress. I think Fetterman could have done either of their jobs, I know they couldn’t have done his job.
Katie McGinty is by far the MOST QUALIFIED CANDIDATE and has more knowledge of the workings of the United States Senate than any other candidates and anyone posting on this blog.
She served in US Senator Al Gore’s Senate Office. She served in the White House as an advisor to President Clinton and VP Gore. She was appointed by President Clinton to serve as the Chairwoman of the White House Council on Environomental Quality. She served as Policy Advisor to Al Gore’s 2000 Presidential campaign. She served as PA Secretary of Enviromental Protection. She receieved a B.S. in Chemistry from St. Joseph’s University and a J.D. from Columbia Law School. She’s received doctorate honorary degrees from Clarion University, Dickinson College and Muhlenburg College. She was named a “Global Leader for Tomorrow” by the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
Katie is a well educated, accomplished woman in her own right who is more than qualified to serve effectively in the capacity of a United States Senator. In fact, I would argue she is the most prepared Senatorial candidate that we’ve ever seen in Pennsylvania.
It’s clear why Democrats, elected officials and party leaders are supporting Katie!
And it’s clear that Katie has the momentum and will win the primary, which is why so many people posting on here are bitter and they spew their hate-fueled rhetoric.
What Pennsylvania doesn’t need is a former Congressman and narcissist named Joe Sestak who only cares about his career.
I mean come on, if you are going to comment on this blog, please do your homework otherwise you look like a fool.
And we all know by now that PoliticsPA reader polls are not accurate and passionate supporters tend to vote multiple times a day. Remember, Rob McCord won the reader poll of who was going to win the Democratic nomination. Get real.
McG is in over her head and not qualified. A wanabe. A puppet. A spoiler. Sestak is the only candidate who will beat Toomey.
Fyi – she is an environmentalist wacko. Do you really think that having a us senator from PA who is against oil and gas extraction is a good thing whenever pa is the leader in the northeast us in energy production. How many people will lose their jobs and how badly will PA’s economy suffer under her views. The fact that she worked for al gore gives me no comfort. Blue collar people and union workers across the state and within the shale will lose their livelihoods. She may play well to the far far left nut jobs but will get crushed in a general election.
The reality is the Katie McGinty has more knowledge of the workings of the United States Senate than any other candidates and anyone posting on this blog.
She served in US Senator Al Gore’s Senate Office. She served in the White House as an advisor to President Clinton and VP Gore. She was appointed by President Clinton to serve as the Chairwoman of the White House Council on Environomental Quality. She served as Policy Advisor to Al Gore’s 2000 Presidential campaign. She served as PA Secretary of Enviromental Protection. She receieved a B.S. in Chemistry from St. Joseph’s University and a J.D. from Columbia Law School. She’s received doctorate honorary degrees from Clarion University, Dickinson College and Muhlenburg College. She was named a “Global Leader for Tomorrow” by the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
Katie is a well educated, accomplished woman in her own right who is more than qualified to serve effectively in the capacity of a United States Senator. In fact, I would argue she is the most prepared Senatorial candidate that we’ve ever seen in Pennsylvania.
It’s clear why Democrats, elected officials and party leaders are supporting Katie!
And it’s clear that Katie has the momentum and will win the primary, which is why so many people posting on here are bitter and they spew their hate-fueled rhetoric.
What Pennsylvania doesn’t need is a former Congressman and narcissist named Joe Sestak who only cares about his career.
I mean come on, if you are going to comment on this blog, please do your homework otherwise you look like a fool.
And we all know by now that PoliticsPA reader polls are not accurate and passionate supporters tend to vote multiple times a day. Remember, Rob McCord won the reader poll of who was going to win the Democratic nomination. Get real.
The readers of this blog say “she’ll need em”. Look over to the right of this very article:
Who Do You Believe Will Win the Democratic Nomination in the 2016 Senate Race?
Joe Sestak (51%)
John Fetterman (29%)
Katie McGinty (20%)
having observed mc g’s totally unimpressive performance in the gubernatorial debate, i remain convinced that she is simply too inexperienced and uninformed to run for senate on then credential of having been appointed to a few posts. her handler mikus knows that and carefully scripts every word out of her mouth.
the main support she has seems to be from the ‘vote for any woman over any man folks’. that’s as offensive as telling voters to not vote for jews, blacks or muslims.
Diano – it seems like you select your candidates based on their gender and physical attributes.
Where are Spencer and Pawloski? Oh, yeah, in depositions probably.
Actually Fetterman and I have the same measurements. Him and my VolkesWagon
The point is that Sestak is a little Napoleon always trying to puff himself up. Everybody I’ve talked it is laughing their asses off in anticipation of Fetterman and Sestak side-by-side.
It will be like an Orc standing next to Gollum.
Even Katie is taller than Sestak.
He’s going to look like a kid trying to sneak over to the grownups table.
DD you’re absolutely obsessed with Fetterman’s body size, head size, bowl movement size…
something freudian is going on here…
Of course the Democrats will all get behind a candidate with no resume and no experience. It’s time for a woman!
Part of my post got cut off:
I think that preventing Toomey from having another term is important, and Sestak is clearly Toomey’s preferred opponent.
You are usually spot on. Surprised you didn’t realize Aaron was a Toomey tea-party loon.
I think that prevent
Observer #2 is jumping the gun on you being a McGinty supporter, rather than a Sestak non-supporter.
Montco PA Dem-
Fetterman is the most threatening to Sestak, not McGinty. Sestak already seemed like a man-child trying to talk tough like a grownup. Next to Fetterman that meme will spread, to everyone with eyeballs.
Fetterman takes male votes, and anti-establishment votes from Sestak. Sestak’s campaign style has been a series of gimmicks around an image of military as a substitute for manhood.
Fetterman is more than a foot taller than Joe, weighs twice as much, and his arms are thicker than Joe’s legs.
Two unnamed political operatives arguing on a political website about two unliked senate candidates. Candidate A lost to the current sitting senator 5 years ago while pissing off half of his party. Candidate B recently ran for governor and secured a whopping 8 percent of the vote. Candidate C is, well, not exactly someone who has any chance of winning anything. What a sad state the pa democratic party is now in. Pathetic.
Lol. Get a grip. You’re making a fool of yourself (again.)
Now I am really suspicious about your connection to McG. I think you ARE working for McG. If I were working for a candidate, I’d put much more energy into it than I do on these pages. (You may have noticed that I also support some Democrats on these pages and argue against other Dems. I am not a Republican). You clearly put a lot of energy into your job! I am actually just sitting on the sidelines and “observing”. I inadvertently used the name ‘observer” then realized there was such a person so I became Observer #2. End of story.
aaron – I know you’re a political novice. I wish I could draw you a picture, but this should do the trick:
Fyi – lol. Sestak only cares about his career – what and mcginty doesnt. She’s a politician. And give me a break on how people are rallying around McGinty. Most people don’t who she is and half of those who do wish they didnt.
Observer #2 – I know you’re frustrated bc you’re watching your candidate lose the primary. But I work for no one. I share the passion David Diano has in exposing the truth about Joe Sestak. Joe Sestak cares about one person, Joe Sestak. Joe Sestak cares about one thing, Joe Sestak’s career. Luckily, the people of Pennsylvania are smart and they see Sestak as the phony he is. Pennsylvanians are rallying around Katie McGinty across the state and I have no doubt she will not only defeat Joe Sestak in the primary, but will beat him by a landslide and go on to defeat Toomey. I look forward to casting my vote for McGinty and sending Joe Sestak back home to Virginia.
(I realize that you work for the Sestak campaign, bc your posts only started during the campaign season. You didn’t previously post on this blog, bc if you had you would have picked a more original screen name. I remember your initial flop. Good luck to you and your flawed candidate.)
Fyi- nope. I support toomey. What is hateful is to support the murder of unborn children and the sale of body parts. What is narcissistic is actually believing that my view is wrong.
Are you not working in the McG campaign.? I have watched your posts and it seems a reasonable assumption. I am working for no one. I simply think Toomey must be beaten, and McG not only can’t beat Toomey, she is far out of her league and her past political losses seem not to convince her that she is in far over her head. As I have previously said, after losing this contest, what is her next political move, running for president? She needs to start out at a more local office and try to move up by hard work and results. She is now simply a puppet of we all know who. She is a most uninspiring role model.
Aaron is just a bitter McCord-Sestak supporter. For some reason he likes to support narcissistic candidates who lose and spew hate fueled comments on here.
Toomey deserves to be beaten and will be – no matter which of the three win the Dem primary.
Montco – I am neither – I am a realist and I find it funny that a few people on this site actually believe she could beat Toomey – or that she deserves to beat Toomey
Hard to keep the players straight — which of you commenters are Democrats trying to torpedo McGinty because she’s most threatening to Sestak, and which are Repubs attacking her so that she won’t survive the primary and challenge Toomey? I get confused.
Word on the street is that McGinty’s handlers won’t even let her speak to the press. I guess they haven’t told her what to think yet.
Maybe they’ll help her go from 8% to 11%. But I doubt it.
That is actually a list of scared mayors who must follow the state party in lockstep or face the party’s wrath come their next election.
You can make a case for Sestak or Fetterman, but any person who believes in transparency and decency in politics should be outrages by this.
“She’ll fight to grow jobs while protecting our environment just like she has done her entire career.”
Riiight… that’s why she fast tracked approval for a dirty coal plant that would have spewed mercury into the air just before tighter standards were enacted that would have made the plant illegal, and then later accepted $120,000 from the owner of that project.
Truly shameful politics that should appall any right-minded person.
I don’t see the Mayor of Braddock on the list. 🙂
Observer #2-
A ton is only 2,000 pounds. I think the combined weight is several times that.
She can get all the establishment she wants and guess what–she is still in over her head—- and is out of her league. I think Nick Field’s term “tons” is a bit exaggerated and it displays his bias?