Former Club for Growth President and incumbent GOP Senator Pat Toomey has opened up a new line of attacks against his Democratic opponent Katie McGinty: taxes.
Sen. Toomey wants to hang Governor Wolf’s 2015 tax proposals around the neck of McGinty, who was Wolf’s Chief of Staff at the time.
The thirty-second spot, titled “Clobbered”, seeks to swipe a Democratic trope and accuses McGinty of being an out-of-touch millionaire.
“As Tom Wolf’s Chief of Staff, millionaire Katie McGinty pushed the biggest tax increase in decades,” a female narrator states. “Every working Pennsylvanian would’ve been clobbered.”
“Now, McGinty is proposing middle-class tax hikes so big, even Hillary Clinton won’t go that far,” a male narrator adds. “McGinty’s backed over $3,000 more per household.”
“Millionaire Katie McGinty thinks working Pennsylvanians should pay higher taxes. She can afford it,” the female narrator concludes before the male narrator adds “We can’t.”
The latter proposal mentioned is Kirsten Gillibrand’s Family and Medical Insurance Leave Act.
It’s worth pointing out that this commercial seeks to paint McGinty as to the left of Hillary Clinton. This may be an attempt to convince voters to cast a split Clinton-Toomey ballot given the fact that Toomey is running ahead of Trump.
8 Responses
@PA Parent
Has #Gloomey conceded yet?
Has #ShadyKatie conceded yet?
Toomey campaign should worry about his own record of obstructing ,always voting for corporations,and supporting Wall Street. Toomey for 5+ years has voted against Seniors,College Students,Veterans (voted 11 times against bills in the Senate that would have helped Veterans), and Working Middle Class. The Koch Brothers gave Toomey $4 million for his campaign. If you are a millionaire or Billionaire I can see why you like Toomey. If your are an average Pennsylvanian and you support Toomey you are just plain stupid!!!!
Mr. Tom Corbett doesn’t care for Mr. Pat Toomey.
Chuckie: Grampa says for you to ‘stop snitching’ or he’s gonna have you whacked, cousin or not. You should have learned from your dad, the big rat, that rats get kicked out of our club.
Shady Katie…I’m good with that so long as you add in the Zappala Crime Family’s involvement with their garbageman Tom Corebutt and his Zappala appointments to the t- pike commission where millions have been wasted on bond issues favoring Charlie Z. Cash for kids, turnpike scandals and city hall raids have Republican ties to the mafia as well. A Zappalacrime family cousin was appointed an ambassador by George Bush just after he escaped the Florida version of cash for kids in 1991. I know. I’m a rat.
Why no story on Katie and Wolfs email scandal ??? Attorney Adam Eddis try using keywords ” Johnny Doc” ” payforplay” and PaCrimeCommission ATM” campaign on state time.
Milionaire Katy vs hundred millionaire Toomey and billionaire Trump. Gee, it won’t be long before we are talking real money here.