PA-Sen: Toomey Praises Pence Pick

Pat ToomeyPat Toomey is on board with at least the second half of the Trump-Pence ticket.

The incumbent GOP Senator has been unsure of what to do with the man he will share a ballot with this November in the past, but he had nothing but praise for his VP selection.

Trump revealed this morning that Indiana Governor Mike Pence was his choice.

“I’ve known Mike Pence for 15 years, and I know him to be a man of great character and devotion to principle,” said Senator Pat Toomey. “He’s a very strong choice for Vice President.”

The two presumably met in the U.S. House of Representatives when Pence was first sworn in 2001. The Indiana Governor served as a Congressman from 2001 to 2013 while Toomey served from 1999 to 2005.

It is quite possible that Pence, rather than Trump, will campaign with Sen. Toomey this fall.

22 Responses

  1. Pat Unger aka HaHU …Nobody cares what you think. So shut up your posts are anti–gay, anti-women, anti-mentally challenged children posts. COTT you made numerous postings disparaging others wives so if you can’t take it. Don’t read. You wanna take me to court go ahead. I’ve got all your posting with all your aliases. You don’t scare me you don’t intimidate me. You’re a convicted felon and theif. Oh yeah HaHU she was great. Black lives matter, All lives matter.

    FaFaFelon. Today as always is. OWNED

  2. The troll is claiming to have been with Brett Cott’s wife. Cott is a real person. So is his wife. Troll getting himself in real trouble here. The real Brett Cott should post the troll’s name. Lord knows – the troll will never be a “real man” and post it himself like he calls on others to do. Pathetic hypocrite. Can’t wait til he gets outed. I am tempted to do it…..

  3. Bungy aka Ha Ha aka FaFaFelon… No just got done with COTTS wife. She loves seeing her husband being OWNED. ROCWL. Rolling on COTTS wife laughing

  4. Unsanctioned R…… Ha Ha felon only reputation is that he is a convicted felon and theif.

  5. Toomey was so afraid of facing/acknowledging black lives matter protesters outside of his Pittsburgh office, he quickly sped across town & called a press conference to talk about more “important matters.” What a sleaze!

  6. Pundits know McGinty is heavily favored to lose. No one on the left will be shocked or hurt themselves when she loses. Not even her older brother–the first person in her family to graduate from a 4-year college before #ShadyKatie even began applying.

  7. Leave it to Herr Drumpf to pick the biggest homophobe and misogynist out there. Add that to Drumpf’s own racism and religious intolerance, and they pretty much have all the Bases of Hate covered.

  8. I told my husband that Americans cannot vote just for VP … He said to shush it

  9. Being the flip-flopper that he is, Toomey will support Pence but not Trump.

  10. I’m really worried about my husband hurting himself if Toomey doesn’t win.

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