PA Senate Names Members for Kane Committee

pa-state-capitol-b175d9a07740ecf3Should Kathleen Kane be removed from office?

That’s the question the entire commonwealth has been debating. Now, six State Senators must consider the decision.

The body will be made up of three Republicans and three Democrats: John Gordner (chairman), Lisa Baker, Gene Yew, Judy Schwenk, Sean Wiley and Arthur Haywood III.

“The function of the Attorney General’s office is two-fold, first to represent the government interest in legal proceedings, and second to represent the public interest in legal proceedings,” State Sen. Yaw said. “Considering the importance of the position of Attorney General in the government of the state and the functions of the office headed by the Attorney General, General Kane’s ability to perform the duties of the office without a law license needs to be reviewed.”

The committee will have thirty days to examine whether Kane can function as Attorney General without her law license. They will then issue a report in which they could recommend removing Kane from office.

19 Responses

  1. the AG by law must sign off on all important pleadings filed by her office since the AG represents the commonwealth of PA. one cannot do so without a PA law license. her top deputies attorney general believe she cannot carry out certain functions without a valid law license. listen to them.

  2. gulag – I hear you. But, the Repervlicans perverts and racists are calling for her to release all the e-mails. That makes me think she shouldn’t.

  3. Pat Unger: I agree with your sentiments.

    But I wish Kane would publicly release the emails she already has, so we in the public can see them and make our own conclusions and not have to rely on media filters to decide what we need to know, or NOT.

  4. WHTTSK — It is actually a bigger issue now. Kane and her people are looking at EVERY grand jury that Fina worked on with his good buddy, Judge Barry Feudale. They are scurrying like mice.

    And it may explain why there are so many others on the Kane war-path. If Fina and Feudale acted improperly, violated people’s rights or committed crimes, hundreds of cases are going to be in jeopardy of being overturned.

    The powers that be are running scared. Kane is going to blow the lid off this soon.

  5. This should be a Moot Point this is all over a Guy who is now DEAD Jerry Mondisire . So lets all put this thing to bed and if we dont Put it to Bed Lets go after everyone who Leaked info on the case against Kathy Kane and lets Remove from office everyone who sent Porn or Rasist E Mails . Leave Kathy Kane alone she has so much more Dirt to bring out against so many people in Powerful Positions in Governmentat every level of Government and she has dirt on Many Private Lawyers who have been communicating with these Creeps who are in Powerful positions . Kathy Kane for President of The USA

  6. o2 – if that is true, she should recuse herself immediately. this already looks like a sham of a proceeding. Having a Kane-hater is not a good idea for many reasons. Most Kane-haters are very dumb … many are TEA-slurping Repervlicans … Most are people with skin in the game …

  7. Schwank has already prejudiced herself in calling for Kane to resign. Apparently a token female to ‘cover’ themselves.

  8. Hmmm. Doesn’t sound like this panel is instilling confidence. Did they really pick a Senator on record “slamming Kane?” That’s exactly what they said they were not going to do.

    If Kane has e-mails between folks that are tight with these Senators, now would be the time to release them. Of course – the back-room deals might already be done.

    I don’t understand the rush. The work of the OAG is getting done – and without Judges and prosecutors having inappropriate contact and/or swapping racist e-mails. It’s not like the whole world doesn’t already know why the powers that be “went after” Kane. Hint – it was not because she is incompetent. They are used to that.

  9. First, it’s Gene Yaw, not Gene Yew. Of the six, only two are attorneys. This issue is about whether or not the suspension of her law license affects her ability to serve as Attorney General. One might hope that they also get to the issue of whether or not her law license should have been suspended simply based on the fact that she was charged. No trial yet. The legislature doesn’t suspend its own members until they are convicted of something. So leaving aside all of the questions about motivation etc., shouldn’t there be more people on this panel who are experienced in the practice of law? Otherwise they will be extremely dependent on the the legal counsel for the two caucuses on matters that are probably most germane to what they are supposedd to be doing. That, I think, is a problem.

  10. Objective? Are you kidding?? Lolol… They found the ONE female senator who has already gone on record in slamming Kane, and put her on the committee to make it look bi-partisan. What a Schwank-off! Pre-ordained outcome, of course. They are just hoping to get rid of Kane before THEIR porn emails are discovered. Mach Schnell!

  11. Eakin is a disgrace too. We need Wolf to appoint another D to restore honor and dignity to the Supreme Court. At least McCaffery (D) had the decency to resign.

  12. I hope these six people are truly objective. And I hope they do their homework and take a look at what really happened. This has always been about the vile e-mails. When Kane discovered the disgusting e-mails that Corbett ordered destroyed, she became the target of a group of racists and woman-haters desperate to protect their own careers/reputations.

  13. LOL its so great that the argument being made by the sycophants is now “YOU DONT HAVE TO BE A LICENSED ATTORNEY TO BE ATTORNEY GENERAL!” Do you listen to yourselves?

  14. AG Kane should be removed from Office after the 2016 election is decided and someone else has been selected by Pennsylvanians to be the Attorney General.

  15. This is a joke. The Attorney General NEVER goes to Court. Corbett NEVER went to Court. The people Kane sends to Court need to have a law license.

    And let’s not forget who was behind the law license suspension … LOL.

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