Now, Marc Friedenberg rolls out a legitimate team of his own. He announced the hiring of a number of individuals and groups who have provided work in Pennsylvania and beyond to his campaign team.
“I’m thrilled and humbled to have seen so many people from across the country drop everything and be willing to join us here in central Pennsylvania for the special election,” Friedenberg said in a release. “They’ll join a talented team of supporters and volunteers already in place, and help us bring my message to every voter across all 15 counties in the 12th Congressional District. Nobody works harder—or smarter—than my team.”
Claire Gray, a native of the 12th district who joined Friedenberg during his previous run for Congress, will serve as the campaign manager. Her background includes supply chain management and logistics, coupled with knowledge of agricultural issues.
Amanda Huber, who has raised funds for both congressional and statewide races for four cycles, will be the finance director. She is an advocate for rejecting corporate PAC money, which Friedenberg has pledged to rejecting, and plans on engaging with local donors.
Josh Levin, who most recently led two Iowa state House races that flipped from red to blue, will serve as the field director.
Veracity Media, who has previously worked with Democratic congressional candidates Lucy McBath, Tim Ryan, and Ayanna Pressley, will provide the digital strategy consulting to the campaign.
Deliver Strategies, who’s firm has delivered work for Gov. Tom Wolf, Sen. Bob Casey, and Reps. Dwight Evans, Mary Gay Scanlon and Susan Wild, will handle mail consulting services.
Sena Kozar Strategies, led by Den Sena who was the DCCC’s Executive Director for the 2018 election cycle and Scott Kozar who served as media consultant for Assistant Speaker Rep. Ben Ray Lujan in 2018, will be the campaign’s media consultants.
This announcement was made over a week after state Rep. Fred Keller released his team of veteran GOP campaign staffers.
8 Responses
It’s a rural R district and one that is tough for Dems. Anything can happen with Trump constantly taking the political air out of the room but I’d not count on this victory. It could happen but it is Mt Olympus uphill climb.
His smile is crooked, vote for me
“plans on engaging with local donors”? What local donors? This thing is a lost cause and a third tier campaign team led a local yokel manager who’s run the conveyor belt at the WalMart isn’t going to get it done. Keller is going to crush this guy by 20+ points.
Sorry, but every Dem has a chance now. Think how bad Trump could be between now and election. GOP only appeals to hate and cruelty. Haters and troglodytes, that is the “new” GOP.
I’m actually glad to see they’re spending their time here rather than flying off to fundraisers in New York and California and ignoring us. That’s been the problem with Democrats for a while now.
It’s easy to reject corporate PAC money when you are running a hopeless campaign with no chance of winning. No PAC is going to dump money into a losing candidate.
With the exception of the campaign manager, who doesn’t seem to have any previous campaign experience, seems like a lot of out of district people. Best of luck, but it appears like there isn’t a lot of people who have experience in the district.
If you have experience in this district, you only have experience losing.