PA8: Bognet To Air TV Ad… in Portland Oregon

Jim Bognet is going on the air. In another state.

The GOP hopeful will air a television ad on Portland, Oregon CBS affiliate KOIN during its 6pm news broadcast (that’s PST). The former Trump administration appointee will introduce himself to those out there in an effort to court them to move to Northeast PA by using footage of the recent protests and riots. 

“Good evening Portland,” Bognet says to the camera, at the beginning of the ad. “I’ve heard you’ve been having a few issues. Something about peaceful gatherings, interruptions to business, and local citizens dissatisfied with your leadership. I’m Jim Bognet – a candidate for Congress here in Northeastern Pennsylvania.”

“If you’re a family or a business living in Portland, Oregon who is leaning towards leaving for whatever reason,” Bognet says. “Consider Northeast PA.”

“Around here we love the police,” he continues. “Well, maybe not our current Congressman. But I’ll be taking care of him real soon.” The ad closes with a plug for the fundraising microsite

A visual in the ad accuses Cartwright of being in favor of “defunding the police,” and cites a conversation that the congressman had with the Black Scranton Project. However, a Philadelphia Inquirer analysis with Politifact concluded that Cartwright did not call for defunding the police, but instead “explained to a participant in a recent virtual listening session that public officials in places like Wilkes-Barre, and in Congress, have the power to decide how public funds are spent on the police, as for any other public agency.” In the same event, Cartwright said he does not support defunding the police. 

The Cartwright campaign slammed the ad, accusing the GOP challenger of making “light of a very bad situation out there,” while fighting back on the “defunding the police” claim.

“We’re sorry that the people of Portland had to see this regrettable, tasteless ad, making light of a very bad situation out there,” said Matt Slavoski, spokesperson for Cartwright, in a statement to PoliticsPA. “It also exposes what Jim Bognet would do in Congress: lie, stoke violence, and fan the flames of division instead of working towards solutions to the challenges we face as a nation.”

“When it comes to racial justice, Matt Cartwright has supported local peaceful demonstrations of those calling for change, disavowed violence, and worked to provide funding increases for strategic police reforms as a member of the House Appropriations Committee,” Slavoski continued.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee re-upped its carpetbagger attack against Bognet, who spent much of the past two decades living outside of PA.

“Why would Bognet buy TV two time zones away from where he’s running? It’s possible he’s moved around so much that he forgot where he’s currently on the ballot,” the DCCC said

Bognet’s campaign fired back. 

“We did indeed buy time for an ad to air in Portland, Oregon,” said spokesman Ian Prior. “We thought about also airing an ad in the Albany media market so that Matt Cartwright could see it from his secret lair in Lake George, but it’s not clear where he is flying his private jet this week, so we’re gonna save that until we know which of his many vacation homes he is flying to.”

It’s the latest TV salvo in a heated campaign. Cartwright’s first TV took aim at Bognet over his opposition to the Affordable Care Act, saying that the GOP challenger is aiming to “take healthcare away from millions and preexisting conditions.” Bognet returned fire in his first TV of the general election, saying that he supports pre-existing coverage and popular senior programs. Cartwright has since launched another TV ad criticizing Bognet on the same matters related to healthcare. 

Three national ratings outlets have the race leaning in Cartwright’s favor. Inside Elections lists the race in PA8 as Likely Democratic; Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball has it as Leans Democratic, and the Cook Political Report has it as Leans Democratic.

152 Responses

  1. Strange this Bognet guy is in his 40’s never married and no girlfriend. What’s his deal?

  2. Liar coward racists make up stories about military family members. Such a maggot cowards. Only a vile racist maggots would make up such stories. MAGA is for racist cowards. Racistlicans are the klan

    1. Triggggggerrrreddddd . Haaaaa !! Go to bed mate . You are losing it dude . Finally got to you .

      1. Haaaa . Spot on . This dudes a freak . Thinks McCain was a hero . MAGA . Let’s triiiiiggggggerrrr him again .

    2. ^^^ look at the same exact incompetent punctuation and grammatical errors in every single reply above. Same illiterate simpleton replying again and again to his own comments. The ineptitude is staggering.

  3. My fav , Billy Clinton is on tonight talking about women . No , no , not that way , he wants their vote but would take a little side action if it comes his way . He’s my hero .

    1. The Daily Caller reports that “Trump is a vile disgusting orange blob who sexually assaulted countless woman”

      1. A vote for Trump is a vote for the Klan. MAGA and the Proud Boys are all part of the Klan.

    1. It is something you do when there is nothing left to do and everything is going down the political drain. It’s a really bad idea.

      1. It was the Dixicrats who fled the Democratic party and became the racist Republican Party that started the KKK. They wanted to keep the Jim Crow Laws on the books. They are the problem, Trump’s Party. S The KKK is the Republican party

          1. MAGA racist coward scum are the klan. You voted them in. Take off the hood coward.

  4. What a waste of time and his supporters’money. There is a reason that successful candidates don’t do this kind of crazy advertising. Nothing but a desperate stunt to gain some publicity and test his lies about Cartwright’s record on an audience that doesn’t know better and couldn’t care less

        1. The Democrats started the KKK and voted for the Jim Crow Law . If you support Joe and the Dems , you support the KKK and Jim Crow .

          1. It was the Dixicrats who fled the Democratic party and became the racist Republican Party that started the KKK. They wanted to keep the Jim Crow Laws on the books. They are the problem, Trump’s Party. The KKK is the Republican party. MAGA is for racists.

        1. Joe is in the Democratic Party . Guess who started the KKK and wanted Jim Crow Laws to stay on the books ? The Democrats ! If you are in that party you are the problem .

          1. Trump is in the Racistlican Party . Guess who started the KKK and wanted Jim Crow Laws to stay on the books? The Dixiecrats who all became Republicans! If you are in that party you are the problem.

  5. I spent a lot of time watching the DNC convention, even though I was a Republican. But I left the party because it became so racist.

    1. Spot on brother ! The more we get facts out , the more voters for Biden and hopefully, the racists go away. Now that the Russian Collision to help get Trump elected is out in the open and the findings point back to Putin and Trump’s campaign, it’s over for the Racistlicans. Their credibility is toast.

          1. What’s a racists ? You is that word over and over again or copy and paste . WLM more !

          1. What proof do you have grasshopper ? Trump is an outstanding man . Honest and trust worthy . That’s why Hillary lost . Everybody knows that .

          2. Trump love him some KKK? Racist MAGA cowards say Trump is an outstanding man . But everyone knows he is dishonest and not trust worthy. Hillary lost and the racists cowards rejoiced. Everybody knows that .

      1. A defining feature of the Donald Trump presidency is the bombardment of lies — Trump’s unceasing campaign to convince people of things that aren’t true.
        Trump made more than 2,700 false claims this year.

  6. AOC only gets 60 seconds to speak . Infighting now being reported within the ranks . Even Obama said ” Joe can F—K up everything . It’s not all smiles and fake speech’s folks . The Joe and Harris ticket will bomb .

    1. MAGA baby ! 95% of the Republican back Trump . He has a solid base . Joe …. Nobody wanted Biden and Harris … Only 2% voted for her so she’s just not worth s hill of beans.

      1. Yeah , the DNC didn’t even want Nancy . They are dead in the water , lost ! Not my mom and dad’s party for sure .

        1. Spot on brother ! The more we get facts out , the more voters for Trump . Now that the Russian Collision is out in the open and the findings point back to Uncle Joe and Obama , it’s over for the Democrats . Their credibility is toast .

          1. I’m kidding about that. The more we get facts out , the more voters for Biden and hopefully, the racists go away. Now that the Russian Collision to help get Trump elected is out in the open and the findings point back to Putin and Trump’s campaign, it’s over for the Racistlicans. Their credibility is toast.

          2. Big Mike was called out by AP ! Her husband caged the kids . He didn’t like Mexicans !

          3. Big Mike Pence was called out by AP ! His mommy caged the kids . He didn’t like Mexicans, said AP !

    2. I spent a lot of time watching the DNC convention, even though I was a Republican. But I left the party because it became so racist.

          1. Big Mike Pence was called out by AP ! His mommy caged the kids . He didn’t like Mexicans, said AP !

    3. Infighting now being reported within the ranks . Even Pence said ”Trump can F—K up everything . It’s not all smiles and fake speech’s folks. The racist KKK Trump campaign will bomb.

      1. Infighting now being reported within the ranks . Even Pence said ”Trump can F—K up everything . It’s not all smiles and fake speech’s folks. The racist KKK Trump campaign will bomb.

    4. Infighting now being reported within the ranks . Even Pence said ”Trump can F—K up everything . It’s not all smiles and fake speech’s folks. The racist KKK Trump campaign will bomb.

        1. Ohh, little MAGA racist too afraid to come out behind his aliases. Did we strike a nerve you racist coward?

  7. Michelle Obama’s DNC address fact-checked by AP over ‘distorted’ immigration talking point
    Children in ‘cages’ claim is misleading, AP says

      1. Big Mike is living the high life , she doesn’t care about Joe . Wait until the Clinton’s get up to speak . Gross .

        1. Big Mike Pence is living the high life with his mommy, but she doesn’t care about him. Wait til the Orange Anus gets to speak. Gross

    1. Trump’s press conferences about the coronavirus fact-checked by AP over ‘distorted’ immunology talking points
      Drinking bleach claim is misleading, AP says

        1. I saw on Fox News that Trump’s press conferences about the coronavirus fact-checked by AP over ‘distorted’ immunology talking points
          Drinking bleach claim is misleading, AP says

  8. Trump said live on TV in 1987 ” I graduated top of my class at Penn ” . CBS found he ranked at the bottom . Trump ended up getting bailed out by his daddy . This is Trump’s 1 millionth time lying. Nobody wants this clown . And Pence , got only 2% of the vote then dropped out to spend time with mommy. Nobody wants these two, except for the racists!

    1. He also got caught plagiarizing speech’s from DAvid Duke and a German Nazi Icon . That’s why he dropping out of the race …. the 1 million lie ! Loser !

      1. I didn’t know that . What a joke Biden is . Nobody wanted him in the first place . Hey , do you remember when Joe said Obama really speaks well ? OMG ! What a loser .

        1. Billy Porter at the end of the DNC show was really bad . Many said they turned off the TV . The Democrats are really looking for anything something to keep them going down the drain .

          1. Big Mike Obama seemed fake to me . She just didn’t have it and many knew it . Trump was right when he said ” her husband put me in the White House”. Obama was truly the worst we have ever had .

          2. Senate Intel says FBI gave ‘unjustified credence’ to Steele dossier, Russia ‘took advantage’ of Trump transition team.

            Joe knew !

          3. He also got caught plagiarizing speech’s from DAvid Duke and a German Nazi Icon . That’s why he dropping out of the race …. the 1 million lie ! Loser !

      2. He didn’t say that silly . You make stuff up all the time . Nobody wants you here .

      3. I saw on Fox News that Trump’s press conferences about the coronavirus fact-checked by AP over ‘distorted’ immunology talking points
        Drinking bleach claim is misleading, AP says

    2. Joe said after getting caught ” I did stupid things and will probably do more” . Yep….

      1. Joe’s looking very …. um chalky like , almost ghost white . Many say he’s about to pass .

        1. Noticed that too . He didn’t have any hair back in 1987 ….. Today , full head of hair and he looks like some Botox , got that alien look .

          1. Noticed that too . Trump didn’t have any hair back in 1987 ….. Today , full toupee, super orange and he looks like some Botox , got that alien look .

          2. Senate Intel says FBI gave ‘unjustified credence’ to Steele dossier, Russia ‘took advantage’ of Trump transition team
            Joe knew !

          3. According to Fox News, Trump said ‘Laziness is a trait in blacks’

            “I have black guys counting my money. … I hate it,” Trump told the Weekly Standard. “The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes all day.”

            That’s why Biden will win.

        2. Trump’s looking very ….. um orange, almost orangutan orange. Many say he’s about to pass.

          1. Michelle Obama’s DNC address fact-checked by AP over ‘distorted’ immigration talking point
            Children in ‘cages’ claim is misleading, AP says

          2. Kidding. Trump’s press conferences about the coronavirus fact-checked by AP over ‘distorted’ immunology talking points
            Drinking bleach claim is misleading, AP says

      2. I remember when Trump said ‘Laziness is a trait in blacks’

        “I have black guys counting my money. … I hate it,” Trump told the Weekly Standard. “The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes all day.”

        That’s why Biden will win.

        1. Opsss

          I remember when Biden said ‘Laziness is a trait in blacks’
          “I have black guys counting my money. … I hate it,” Biden told the Weekly Standard. “The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes all day.”
          That’s why Trump will win.

          1. Oppps
            I remember when Trump said ‘Laziness is a trait in blacks’

            “I have black guys counting my money. … I hate it,” Trump told the Weekly Standard. “The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes all day.”

            That’s why Biden will win.

        2. Opps
          I remember when Trump said ‘Laziness is a trait in blacks’

          “I have black guys counting my money. … I hate it,” Trump told the Weekly Standard. “The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes all day.”

          That’s why Biden will win.

          1. Senate Intel says FBI gave ‘unjustified credence’ to Steele dossier, Russia ‘took advantage’ of Trump transition team

            Joe and Obama and Big Mike kneed !

          2. According to the NY Post, Trump said ‘Laziness is a trait in blacks’

            “I have black guys counting my money. … I hate it,” Trump told the Weekly Standard. “The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes all day.”

            That’s why Biden will win.

        3. Michelle Obama’s DNC address fact-checked by AP over ‘distorted’ immigration talking point
          Children in ‘cages’ claim is misleading, AP says

          1. Trump Bible thumping address fact-checked by AP over distorted talking points. Everything he said about the Bible is misleading, AP says.

    3. Ops . I did it again . Trump didn’t go to law school … It was Biden . Hard to cook hamburgers , take orders and type . My bad , it was Biden . I just saw it on TV this morning but I forgot .

      1. Opps, I did it again. Trump’s looking very ….. um orange, almost orangutan orange. Many say he’s about to pass.

  9. Biden said live on TV in 1987 ” I graduated top of my law class ” . CBS found he ranked at the bottom . Joe ended up dropping out of the race . This is Sleepy Joe’s 3rd time at running Nobody wants this clown . And Harris , got only 2% of the vote then dropped out . Nobody wants these two !

    1. He also got caught plagiarizing speech’s from JFK and a British Union Icon . That’s why he dropped out of the race …. the 2nd time ! Loser !

    2. Hey, remember when Trump said ‘Laziness is a trait in blacks’

      “I have black guys counting my money. … I hate it,” Trump told the Weekly Standard. “The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes all day.”

      That’s why Biden will win.

      1. Gezzzz , I did it again . The smell of mommy making cookies really have me jazzed today ! Mommy , are they done yet ? It was Biden . Sorry .

        Hey, remember when Trump said ‘Laziness is a trait in blacks’

        “I have black guys counting my money. … I hate it,” Biden told the Weekly Standard. “The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes all day.”
        That’s why Trump will win.

        1. Gezzzz , I did it again . The smell of racism really have me jazzed today ! Mommy , are they done yet ? It was Trump . Sorry .

          Hey, remember when Trump said ‘Laziness is a trait in blacks’

          “I have black guys counting my money. … I hate it,” Trump told the Weekly Standard. “The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes all day.”
          That’s why Biden will win.

  10. New poll came out from Conservative Beacon. Biden will win the popular vote and will win the electoral vote. Epic sky screaming , crying rooms and coloring rooms from all the snowflake low iq Republican voters. The flaming racist snowflakes will call for impeachment and Moscow Mitch McPharma will have a nervous break down.

    I speak for all. Trump is the Orange anus!

    1. Fake news , I just made that up cause I’am at home in the basement . I seriously love Trump .

      1. Just kidding, I just made that up cause I’am at home in the basement . I seriously despise Trump.

          1. Yikes , I burnt another hamburger. Sure wish I had a real job . Mommy likes me living with her .

        1. Oops , did it again . I actually despise Trump and hate racists real bad. MAGA is for racists.

      1. Big News :

        Senate Intel says FBI gave ‘unjustified credence’ to Steele dossier, Russia ‘took advantage’ of Trump transition team.
        Joe knew !

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