PAGOP Brings In New Assistant Treasurer, Political Advisor

After appointing two attorneys to counsel the state party earlier this week, the Pennsylvania Republican Party announced two new more additions to the party in a release. 

PAGOP Chair Lawrence Tabas announced the appointment of former state Rep. Becky Corbin (R-Chester) as Assistant Treasurer, while Lauren Casper was hired as a political advisor. 

Corbin served in the state House representing the 155th District for three terms, but was ousted by Democratic challenger Danielle Friel Otten in 2018 during the blue wave that hit the Philadelphia suburbs. During her time in the state House, she was co-chair of the Nuclear Energy Caucus and the Pennsylvania House Life Sciences Caucus. 

“Becky is one of the most capable and dedicated people I know,” Tabas said in a release. “She has been a great ambassador for the Republican Party, its values and ideals.”

The release from the state party added that per the PAGOP bylaws, the appointment must be presented to the leadership committee for their approval. The PAGOP bylaws allow more than one assistant treasurer, as Corbin joins sitting Assistant Treasurer Dave Feidt. 

Casper’s role as a political advisor to the party is a new position, which aims at adding and benefiting from fresh insight and experience, according to a spokesperson from the PAGOP. The release from the state party lauded her work “for record-breaking fundraising” and cited her nearly decade-long career with congressional, gubernatorial, and presidential elections across six states for the hire. 

“Lauren brings a wealth of knowledge, both fundraising and political, to the state party,” said Tabas. “Her ability to build relationships and execute critical political operations will make Lauren a very valuable addition to the Pennsylvania Republican Party.”

The release also added words of praise from state Rep. Martina White (R-Philadelphia), who called Casper is a “problem solver,” and that the Montgomery County resident was also a 2016 Trump Delegate at the Republican National Convention. 

Tabas’s term as chair officially began on July 13 at a Hershey meeting, although a deal between him and Comfort was brokered the day prior and tweeted out by President Donald Trump. Other additions to the state party have included hiring Lycoming County attorney Denie Dieter for the newly created “Compliance Officer” position, Gerry Wosewick as PAGOP Executive Director, Armstrong County GOP Chair Mike Baker as the PAGOP Treasurer, former Lt. Governor candidate Jeff Bartos as PAGOP Finance Committee Chairman, Calvin Tucker as the Director of Engagement and Advancement, Vonne Andring to serve as the Senior Advisor for the Pennsylvania Republican Party, Kathleen Gallagher as General Counsel and former Montour County District Attorney Rebecca Warren as Election Day Operations Counsel for the state party.

13 Responses

  1. “Peace is a time to prepare for war” – George Washington paraphrasing an old Roman narrative.

    What are the PADEMS doing to prepare for next year, other than doubling down on the same old bat shit stagnant leadership team that pushes everyone but insiders off the stage?

    Laugh at what PAGOP is doing all you want, they way the grasshopper laughed at the worker ant. Thy are serious about keeping this State in the Red Column and if your Party rolls out Bioiden again, you’ll be fucked – again.

    1. PA Dems have not been relevant for many years and the PAGOP stopped being relevant a couple years back. National powers in both parties don’t care about these small state parties that have no money and are beholden to 90 year old committee members that vote state leadership in.

  2. I wonder if the PA GOP is going to hire any actual real paid staff or just keep announcing made-up positions?

  3. Seem like nice hires but GOP talent is going to be in trouble long term given their unpopularity with young people and people of color.

  4. Without a doubt, Lauren Casper brings a winning attitude to the PA GOP. She has proven herself time after time again. PA should be excited for few blood and bold ideas. Good moves on PA GOPs part.

  5. “The PAGOP bylaws allow more than one assistant treasurer”

    1) What does the job pay?

    2) Is this a way to get loyalists jobs, or bring in competent people to do the work being handled by incompetent loyalists in those jobs?

    3) Do they need an extra treasurer for keeping an extra set of books?

    1. What do you care, David? It’s not illegal or unethical. Go worry about the Democratic party’s actions at State Committee and the current head who has no idea or interest. She’s a puppet to street and keeps ig boring the by laws.


      1. Dear Huh…Oh come on now…all these appointments mean is that Republican donors better get their wallets out because someone has got to pay for these staffers. Hey, it’s good work of you can get it. The races are won by the candidates and their times and not by Buffy Baxter and Biff Wilson, two new Harrisburg staffers for Dems or Repubs…Of course, nothing wrong with getting excited over the newest Republican staffer or Dem staffer…it’s just that what wins elections are the candidates not staffers…as they say about coaches in sports, “it’s not the x’s and o’s it’s the Jimmy’s and Joe’s…same with’s not the staffer it’s the candidate…

  6. Glad to see Tabas bring on someone with national campaign experience like Casper. Something the PAGOP desperately needs heading into 2020.

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