Patrick Murphy Wins First Debate

Murphy calls out former Congressman Fitzpatrick for his record of outsourcing American jobs and rubberstamping Bush’s failed economic policies

(Philadelphia, PA) – Today, Patrick Murphy soundly defeated former Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick in the first debate of this election cycle. The election presents voters with a clear choice, Murphy said, between a candidate who wants to return to the failed Bush economic policies of the past that got us into this mess and one who wants to continue moving our country forward and creating good jobs. Murphy hammered Fitzpatrick for rubberstamping those failed Bush policies during his time in Congress, including unfunded tax cut for multi-millionaires and outsourcing American jobs. Now, Murphy said, Fitzpatrick is calling for a return to those exact same policies – and we can’t afford it.

“Sometimes I feel like the clean-up crew after an Eagles game,” Murphy said. He added that while he wished he didn’t have to clean up after Fitzpatrick’s mess, waiting out the recession was simply not an option.

Murphy highlighted the stark differences between him and his opponent on several issues.

On outsourcing jobs, Murphy called Fitzpatrick out for being the tie-breaking vote to expand disastrous, NAFTA-style trade deals that outsourced American jobs to Central America and the Middle East. Before the vote Fitzpatrick met with constituents like Mary Dunne and promised her he’d vote against outsourcing. Then he walked down to vote, got a call from Dick Cheney telling him to be a “yes,” and he immediately Fitz-flopped.

On the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, Murphy slammed Fitzpatrick for passing tax cuts for the Paris Hiltons and Lindsay Lohans of the world without paying for a dime of it. Murphy called for extending the middle-class tax cuts – which accounts for 98% of American families – and allowing those for the wealthiest 2% to expire.

On choice, Murphy stated he supports a woman’s right to choose and highlighted Fitzpatrick’s extremist position of opposing that right,even in cases of rape and incest. Fitzpatrick is far outside the mainstream, Murphy said, and seems like much more of an Alabama Republican than a moderate Bucks County Republican.

On stem cells, Murphy reiterated his support for stem cell research while Fitzpatrick tried to dodge his previous record of voting against it, denying the promise of that technology to millions of Americans who suffer from Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, or other diseases.

One Response

  1. I write in response to the following statements regarding Rep. Fitzpatricks position on “sanctity of Life ” issues and your comment that he has “extremist ” views on these issues.
    Actually Rep. Murphy YOU are the one who is outside the mainstream. The majority of Americans are opposed to abortion (even in cases of rape and incest).

    The “life of the mother’ is one exception they are still concerned about…however doctors who believe in the sanctity of every human life including the unborn child in the womb will state it is “never” necessary to kill the child to save the mother’s life.

    They will tell you they are “treating 2 TWO patients and will do the best of their ability to save both. They state they can always take the baby early as soon as viable without harm to the mother. They then concentrate solely on saving the mother’ life.

    Planned Parenthood and all militant abortion minded organizations and “doctors” make a living from killing unborn children.

    On choice, Murphy stated he supports a woman’s right to choose and highlighted Fitzpatrick’s extremist position of opposing that right, even in cases of rape and incest. Fitzpatrick is far outside the mainstream, Murphy said, and seems like much more of an Alabama Republican than a moderate Bucks County Republican.
    Rep. Murphy believes it is OK to kill an innocent unborn child conceived in rape or incest. His solution to these “crimes is to kill the innocent child and let the rapist and/or person committing incest go free to commit the crime’s of Rape and incest again.
    Abortion “protects these fiends from prosecution because of the fear of the victims.

    On stem cells, Murphy reiterated his support for stem cell research while Fitzpatrick tried to dodge his previous record of voting against it, denying the promise of that technology to millions of Americans who suffer from Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, or other diseases.


    Rep Murphy please name one disease or illness that has been cured by “embryonic” stem cells. You will discover None! Nada!
    As you follow the “Democratic Party “Mantra”not to differentiate between Stem Cell Research and EMBRYONIC Stem Cell Research, you keep presenting the sad cases of Alzheimers, Diabetes, Parkinson’s, etc.and bringing falsr hope to these victims, when their real hope for a cure is to be found in ADULT and Cord Blood stem cells. However the democratic party under Nancy Pelosi’s leadership is joined at the hip with the unethical medical research industry who have no qualms or conscience about destroying Embryonic Human Life to achieve a cure.

    As tragic as these illnesses are, ESR has not made one successful breakthrough. What they have done is kill healthy embryos. Rep. Murphy you were once once an embryo as we all were and we are all that same fuly developed “embryo” 35, 45, —70 yrs later.. God did not create human life to be used as a “research commodity”. Not one embryo is killed in adult stem cells from imbilicial cord blood or bone marrow stem cells.
    Even doctors involved in “STEM CELL research state this fact. They insist that more cures can be achieved through investing federal money into ADULT stem cell research. The Bio- Tech Industry doesn’t want to invest their money into ESR because of the lack of success. They want the government (your Tax Dollars) to fund this unsuccessful un-ethical research.

    From his statement above, it seems Rep. Patrick Murphy has more respect and allegiance to Nancy Pelosi and his hero, Pres. Barak Obama, than for the Vicar of Christ on earth of his professed Catholic faith Pope Benedict XV1.
    I would request that Rep. Patrick Murphy speak with Cardinal Rigali personally on these “sanctity of Life issues and explain to Cardinal rigali where he, the Pope, and the the Catholic church is “wrong” in its position on sanctity of life issues.

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