Paul Ryan to Stump in PA

Last Monday Republican VP candidate Paul Ryan attended his first event sans presidential candidate Mitt Romney in Iowa at the state fair.

Just eight days later, he plans to give a repeat performance in Pennsylvania – and hopefully without incident.

In Iowa, Ryan learned what it feels like to be on a big-name ticket – he dealt with hecklers interrupting him to yell comments and demanding Ryan stop “the war on the middle class,” and he got further distracted when a pair of women with a banner tried to rush the stage.

He was able to regain control of the crowd after some confusion and finish his speech, but probably not without feeling a bit flustered.

The campaign is probably banking on a more positive showing in the Keystone State, when Ryan stops in both the southwest and southeast tomorrow.

Below is the schedule.

Event: Congressman Ryan Attends Carnegie Victory Rally

Location: Beaver Steel Services, Inc.
1200 Arch Street
Carnegie, Pennsylvania

Doors Open: 9 a.m.
Program Time: 11:25 a.m.

Event: Congressman Ryan Attends West Chester Victory Rally

Location: American Helicopter Museum & Education Center
1220 American Boulevard
West Chester, Pennsylvania

Doors Open: 1:30 p.m.
Program Time: 4 p.m.

In preparation for the Wisconsin Rep.’s visit, Romney/Ryan supporters in both the Philadelphia and Pittsburgh areas are gathering at Romney Victory offices to make rally signs for the event.

8 Responses

  1. @Mary
    Two words, (Fox News),
    if thats the only place that you get your facts your misinformed.

  2. John-to be properly informed is important. $6400 is an estimate from the 2011 Medicare plan, not applicable to the 2012, source Foxnews. Romney probably has paid 13%, if he was lying, he would have picked something higher that would have sounded better. SSI has already been gutted to pay for Obamacare; War on Women is a ridiculous manufactured issue as any woman who gives it a moments thought knows, it didn’t exist before Obama had no platform to run a campaign on. Back to the economy, even Geithner admits that they HAVE NO PLAN, they just don’t like the Republican one.

  3. The alternative is Seniors pay $6,400 more out of their pockets, giving more tax breaks for the top millionaries, Romney said he paid 13% in taxes (prove it) with the rest of us paying 30%. Their plan would reduce his taxes to .08%, SSI would be gutted to help pay for their expansive military budget, War on Women like the bill Ryan sponsed with Aikins comments. Etc, etc, etc. and you want to try the alternative. I would have to question that…

  4. Steve “I haven’t got a clue what they would do in office…” sounds like time to stop talking and start listening. Obama has no plan for fixing what is wrong in this country. Zero votes for his budget. Time to find out about the alternative. It would be nearly impossible for them to do worse.

  5. Romney created the first working model of Obamacare and now rails against it. Ryan has voted for every bank bailout, oil subsidy, Bush expansion of Medicare, highway bill (not surprising since he owes his inherited fortune to gov road work), ear mark for his district, voted against duties on imports to protect jobs from unfair trading (China), he argued for Keynesian deficit spending during the Bush era (on the floor of the house-Cspan) and now he’ll “protect jobs” and is a “deficit hawk”? When you compare their past votes to their recent plans, how can anyone feel comfortable with any plan put forth by Ryan for a Romney presidency?

    PS: Obama isn’t going to have his face on Mt Rushmore or given an award for living up to his campaign rhetoric, but I haven’t got a clue what the Romney/Ryan team would do once in office.

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