As Republican Vice-Presidential nominee Mike Pence rallied supporters in Pennsylvania, he also fit in time for a haircut.
He stopped by Henry Jones’ barbershop in Norristown. Apparently, the haircut itself was newsworthy as Pence was followed by CNN reporters who live streamed the event on Facebook Live.
That’s right, CNN broadcasted Mike Pence’s haircut live on Facebook. All 20 minutes of it.
Most of the time was spent in silence or small talk between Pence and Jones.
Whoever made the decision to film the haircut deserves some credit, though, as they captured a painfully awkward moment at the end of the haircut.
As Pence got up at the end of the haircut, he went to shake Jones’ hand who then asked Pence “Your name was?”
“Mike Pence,” he responded. “I’m the governor of Indiana, and I’m running for Vice President of the United States.”
“Go ahead man,” Jones stated. “Vice president? Oh boy.”
“I’m running with Donald Trump,” Pence added. “I’m his running mate.”
“OK. All right. Oh boy,” Jones concluded.
11 Responses
Mike Pence is a good man, and the barber did not expect him to come in and get his haircut. The two were able to talk during the haircut. You never know, maybe it changed the barbers mind on who he is voting for. Anyone is better than that Inept, Unethical Pathological-Lying Con-Artist Crook Hillary Clinton & her pay-to-play VP
Philadelphian, I’m going to assume that you’re new here. This site is chock full of sexually explict gay-bashing by die-hard Democrats like “HaHaHa” (who also posts as “Pat Unger” and a variety of other screen names). He’s a former Democratic staffer who went to prison for stealing.
Sad to see racist rhetoric here. It damages the image of PoliticsPA as a whole, degrades everyone reading it, and I can’t imagine what black readers think – Are they welcome here? Will they return and have to read more of that crap? Would you?
PoliticsPA needs to clean up their act, remove this stuff, and stop acting as a publisher for racist thoughts. It adds nothing to the conversation or site; it only makes them look bad.
I guess the secret service guys weren’t a big enough tip off.
Sad how people don’t watch the news.
both sitting senators? Naah. Should be “both bullshitting senators.” Yeah.
Come on. We in PA know ‘Scranton Joe’ Biden (or, some of us would have) on sight. But during the Obama campaign, how many folks in Indiana could have recognized Biden on sight, or known his title? 10%? Maybe.
I am no Trump / Pence fan to put it extremely mildly. But I can’t see the average American naming both their sitting Senators, much less picking them out of a crowd, or at a barber shop.
Who is this Mark Pence? Is he on the Turnpike now??? I’d blow him on CNN
Nice Haircut Mike Pence.
That should tell Pence that he is nobody. Being Trump’s VP mate, we already know he’s going nowhere.
Zero percent of the black vote.