Philly Judge McLaughlin Enters Superior Court Race

Judge_Mclaughlin-headshotCourt of Common Pleas Judge Maria McLaughlin formally announced her bid for the Superior Court of Pennsylvania this week.  She was joined at her kickoff by Lieutenant Governor Mike Stack and Auditor General Eugene DePasquale.  

“Growing up in a row home in the City, I learned early on about determination and courage. I’ve carried these values with me throughout my life,” McLaughlin said during her announcement.  

“I am proud to support my friend Judge Maria McLaughlin for Superior Court. She has been a superior Philadelphia Common Pleas Judge who has dedicated much of her life to public service and the law as an attorney, an Assistant District Attorney and a Judge. It is fortunate for Pennsylvania that the people of Philadelphia will now be sharing her with the rest of the Commonwealth,” Stack said in a statement emailed to PoliticsPA.  

“We are here to kick off Judge McLaughlin’s campaign for Superior Court Judge and we will be back for her inauguration,” DePasquale said at the announcement.

McLaughlin is a Judge in the Court of Common Pleas in Philadelphia.  She is also a member of the National Association of Women Judges, and a member of the Widener University School of Law Alumni board.  

McLaughlin received a “recommended” rating from the PA Bar Association.  She joins Judge Carolyn Nichols, Bill Caye, Albert J. Flora Jr., Judge Deborah A. Kunselman, Judge H. Geoffrey Moulton Jr., Judge Lillian Harris Ransom in the race for the four open seats on the Superior Court.  The State Democratic Party will meet this weekend to choose its slate of candidates for the judicial elections.

17 Responses

  1. Maria is a fantastic person, I’ve known her prior to her going to Penn State. Maria is smart, dedicated, ethical and energetic, as well as a loving mom. I’ve watched her career blossom from the DA’s Office to her taking the bench, all good, solid and moral work. State of Pennsylvania will only benefit from Maria’s appointment.

  2. I knew Judge Mclaughlin when she worked as an attorney. She is a very intelligent woman. She is very personable and well like by everyone who worked in Family Court. I don’t know how she is on the bench but from personal experience I believe she would be a fair and honest Judge. She has my vote.

  3. Her qualifications speak for themselves. She seems to have worked in the legal system her entire career. I certainly doubt she would be where she is if not by her OWN merits!!! That being said, I know we are all entitled to our own opinions, no matter how ridiculous and unfounded they are.

  4. @bad judges… Yes. I realized after I entered that I typed Supreme instead of Superior. She would be a welcomed addition to any court.

  5. Marianne: Yes, the PA Supreme Court could use her. She’d be a good replacement for the unqualified and corrupt female hack from Allegheny County who recently tarnished the already tarnished reputation of this court.
    Unfortunately, she is running only for the PA Superior Court.

  6. @Lee – is Jonathan Saidel relevant in state wide politics? Wasn’t he a philly politician 10 or so years ago? Either way, I don’t know McLaughlin’s personal connections, but her bio looks good. She looks young, but it could be the picture. Sounds like the experience is there.

  7. She would get nowhere in this race if she wasn’t a family friend of Bob Brady since she was a child and if she wasn’t married to Jonathan Saidel. Let’s be honest-those are her real “qualifications” to run statewide.

  8. Judge McLaughlin is exceptionally good at what she does. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania would be hard pressed to find a more qualified, fair and hard-working candidate. She has my vote!

  9. I’ve never before seen a judicial announcement quite like hers. With elected officials from Erie, Allegheny, Carbon, Northampton,Berks, Bucks ,Philadelphia etc. Judge McLaughlin shows her strength throughout the state.

  10. Judge McLaughlin has distinguished herself as an attorney and a judge. She is a judge for our times and for all people .

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