As the Herr 2010 campaign has researched Congressman Pitts’ votes, it’s remarkable the number of times since the Democrats gained control of the House in 2007 that the Congressman and his Republican colleagues have opposed bills that they might gladly have supported when they were in control.
Vote Number 27: H.R. 2920, the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2009
It’s a key Republican principle that the cost of new legislation should be computed and made public, and that such legislation should be budget-neutral. So when the House took up a bill to do all of that and more, one might expect that the Republicans would ignore the fact that it was sponsored by a Democarat (well, 170 Democrats), and get behind it. If so, one would be wrong.
Pitts votes NO.
As did 152 other Republicans. So much for standing by one’s principles. Unless obstructionism is the overriding principle for Rep. Pitts and his colleagues.
It’s nicer to call Joe Pitts a gentleman of adjustable principles than a partisan hack. So we’ll do the former. You’re free to do either. Lots more Bad Pitts Votes ahead, one each day.