PLC 2014: Spirit of Reagan Strong, Straw Poll Reveals Support for Corbett

plc reagan

Michael Reagan, the adopted son of conservative hero Ronald Reagan, delighted the audience of the Pennsylvania Leadership Conference with anecdotes about his father.

From asking his father for a bigger allowance and learning about the American tax structure to his father instructing him not to get shot while wearing a new suit, Michael Reagan had the conservative audience in laughs for most of his address, but he also gave some electoral advice.

“Whether you’re a Tea Party supporter or an establishment Republican supporter you have one thing in common: you’re in this room listening to me,” Reagan said. “The enemy is not in this room.”

However, during Lieutenant Governor Jim Cawley’s speech to the crowd, one attendee shouted “Bob Guzzardi” when Cawley said “our next governor.”

The PLC attracts the right-of-establishment crowd of Pennsylvania, and is oft-referred to as the CPAC of Pennsylvania, but Reagan’s address eschewed Tea Party testing of ideological purity. He acknowledged that his father would have had a difficult time winning the Republican nomination for president in the 21st century, but said that Ronald had a different kind of appeal beyond politics.

“People voted for Ronald Reagan, because they liked Ronald Reagan. Alec Baldwin even liked Ronald Reagan,” Michael said. “What you loved about Ronald Reagan was that if he told you something, you could take it to the bank.”

He spoke of how his father was able to reach across the aisle to accomplish his legislative agenda.

“Ronald Reagan began the negotiations in an area where they agreed – that America was great,” Michael said, and told the audience about a dinner party that his father had with Tip O’Neil and the topic of taxes never once came up.

Michael took the stage after Lt. Gov. Cawley and was very complimentary.

“When he sat down, I said that is the best message I have heard from a Republican in, like, forever,” Michael told the audience, and Cawley did give a good speech.

While Reagan encouraged conservatives to be a cheerleader for America, Cawley was a strong cheerleader for Governor Tom Corbett.

“I know of at least 4 Pennsylvanians now that don’t get it,” Cawley said in a less-than-subtle allusion to the four Democrats running for governor. “They’ll tell you that their plans are all new. Folks, do not buy their snake oil.”

“There’s a lot at stake for our PA and in fact, this November, Pennsylvanians are going to face a very clear choice,” Cawley forecasted. “It is going to be a choice between more liberty and more government.”

Besides the Guzzardi outburst, his remarks seemed to be well-received by the conservatives in the room and the straw poll results reaffirmed the support for the incumbent.

There were 173 votes for Corbett, 28 for Bob Guzzardi, 3 for McCord, 1 for Tom Wolf and 0 for either Katie McGinty or Allyson Schwartz.

Plus, 65% said they approve of the job that the Governor is doing in office; however, 64% disapprove of the job performance of the state legislature.

In the 2016 presidential straw poll Ted Cruz and Rand Paul tied for first with 20% each, followed by Scott Walker 11%, Ben Carson 13%, Rick Santorum 13%.

Unsurprisingly, 99% said they disapprove of Obama’s work in office.

15 Responses

  1. All I hear from Democrat opponents is that they will tax and spend. A tax on ‘big oil and gas’ is a tax on it’s consumers aka the people of Pennsylvania. So, when they say they’ll tax the gas and oil industry here they’re promising a tax on Pennsylvanians. Plus, having a background with impeached Clinton and ‘global warming’ Gore is not my idea of much of a recommendation.

  2. “Governor Corporate” is the name I choose to rename or “rebrand” him is owned and represents corporate interests, and not the people of the Commonwealth of PA. He has violated his oath of office to preserve and protect the Constitution of the Commonwealth of PA. He has decimated public education by budget cuts. He doesn’t protect the environment and allows the gas drillers to do what every they want to do with no consequences but a slap on the wrist. He doesn’t support public infrastructure improvements. He wants to sell off or outsource state government as much as he can. He should either be voted out of office or be impeached and removed from office with all deliberate speed.

  3. Evidently Bob is card a card carrying member of the Tea Party/Legitimate Rape gang. Memo to Bob: Corbett will get boat raced in November.

  4. Sid, have you lost your mind? With clowns such as Brown, Cuomo, Hickenlooper and Patrick out there, you still place Gov. Corbett at the bottom? Silly.
    I am NOT a big fanof Tom, but all four Democrats are borderline Communists. Yeah, $15,000 per student is not enough! And let’s punish those whose homes are heated with natural gas! Heil! Uh, corporations don’t pay taxes; their customers do. Econ 101, Bud.
    BTW, I did not agree with some of what Mr. Reagan said. With examples in Pa. of two candidates that loyal Republicans “must vote for” turning Democrat after their nominations (Hafer and Specter), I say that any candidate worth my support MUST prove that they support the Constitution and its Bill of Rights, and also they must oppose “legal status” (see “amnesty”) for all illegal aliens. 20-30 MILLION MORE VOTERS STEEPED IN SOCIALISM SPELL SUICIDE FOR AMERICA.

  5. Tom Corbett: Do want to kill Savannah’s Gentlemen’s Club too? Just because Fina has another botched investigation doesn’t mean we need to impose prohibition in Dauphin County. You ask about friendship. Anyone who buys me a lap dance at Savannah’s is a close friend of mine. It’ll take ‘vigilance’ coupled with reform to crack down on the Capitol’s gift culture, Corbett says: John L. Micek |

  6. @ Lariat:

    Guzzardi can tentatively support AG-Kane [although I don’t agree] until he feels all data are available; injecting her other policies is tangential and impugns your purist posture.

  7. Idiots waste votes on people that have no chance like Bobby. No real conservative would ever support a pro-abortion pro-gay marriage DEMOCRAT like Kane. Bobby does, that isn’t conservative Dr.

  8. [This is the second half, chopped-up a bit.]

    And I have amplified these views on another web-site



    What must be emphasized, here, is that there were many manifestations of discomfiture with Corbett, and he would do well to shore-up his base accordingly; at this point, the task-orders are obvious, and if Guzzardi is on the ballot…he will be forced to confront them.

    [There is reason to be optimistic about the latter phenomenon for reasons I’ve detailed in my “blast” e-mails to ~900 people; anyone who would like to read elaborative comment may simply send me an e-mail …rsklaroff @]

    And, oh by-the-way, I’m hardly an “idiot” and Guzzardi is hardly a “liberal.”

  9. [I tried to avoid “your comment awaits moderation” by chopping-up the hyperlinks, but I failed, so I will provide what I just wrote in segments.]

    I provided one of the 28 votes for Guzzardi [and one for Ted Cruz], and I told Jim Cawley why he should have displaced Corbett; the chief of his campaign promised to send me an e-mail, via which I’ll provide elaborative-comment.

    I also provided comments about what transpired last night:



  10. I provided one of the 28 votes for Guzzardi [and one for Ted Cruz], and I told Jim Cawley why he should have displaced Corbett; the chief of his campaign promised to send me an e-mail, via which I’ll provide elaborative-comment.

    I also provided comments about what transpired last night:



    And I have amplified these views on another web-site

    What must be emphasized, here, is that there were many manifestations of discomfiture with Corbett, and he would do well to shore-up his base accordingly; at this point, the task-orders are obvious, and if Guzzardi is on the ballot…he will be forced to confront them.

    [There is reason to be optimistic about the latter phenomenon for reasons I’ve detailed in my “blast” e-mails to ~900 people; anyone who would like to read elaborative comment may simply send me an e-mail…]

    And, oh by-the-way, I’m hardly an “idiot” and Guzzardi is hardly a “liberal.”

  11. Wow only 65% of this group thought the Gov. is doing a good job and some D’s got votes in the straw poll, this guy is in trouble.

  12. Corbett signed the Norquist pledge to get the TeaParty vote. Then he didn’t keep his promise to the Taxpayers of PA. At least Bush #1 had a vision, a mission. Corbett has none; other than to provide Acting Governor Brabender to commit 4 more years of un-elected political necrophilia.

  13. A room full of loons hanging on to the ghost of Reagan while throwing their support to the worst governor in the country. Turn out the lights…….

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