State Rep. Solobay – Your bravery astonishes us, we applaud your ability to fend of 4 muggers, our question for you is can you fend off the GOP?
The General Assembly – Another deadline comes and goes, as politicians in Harrisburg just can’t seem to keep track of time. We can’t say we are surprised that the Governor has not signed an extraction tax, we just wonder if you will get it done before the election.
Joe Sestak and Pat Toomey – Are you two really going to get to election day without debating. Joe, you had your opportunity this week, but you decided to skip out to raise some money, so the question becomes, when are you two going to debate?
Keith Rothfus – The good news is he was added to the GOP’s Young Guns program, which means that the national party believes he may have a shot after all, the bad news is your new website misses the mark.