Reminds one of the famous lines from the show Mad Men – “Not great, Bob.”
A survey of 1,253 adults nationwide conducted by AP-NORC reveals that 7 in 10 adults, including nearly two-thirds of Democrats surveyed (65%), believe that President Joe Biden should withdraw as the Democratic candidate and allow his party to select a different nominee.
The poll, which was in the field from July 11-15, also showed that Republicans (73%) are not the only group that think that the former senator from Delaware should slide to the side. Independents – the most favored political group – topped the chart with 77% of those not affiliated with a major party saying that Biden should not be at the top of the ticket.
Among the age demographics, three-quarters (75%) of 18-44 year-old Democrats believe that the 81-year-old Biden should withdraw, while just under 2-in-5 (57%) of those 45 and older say the same.
The only good news that comes from the survey is that Black Democrats believe that the former vice president should stay in the race, although by a slender margin (50-49%). White (67-32%) and Hispanic Democrats (64-33%) feel differently that Biden should abdicate his position as the presumptive Democratic nominee.
Biden’s job performance rating also dropped since the previous AP-NORC poll in June, falling from 42 percent to 37%.
Former president Donald Trump fares better in the survey among his party faithful with nearly three-quarters (73%) of Republicans polled saying he should continue in the race. Not surprisingly, just 1-in-8 (13%) Democrats agree with that sentiment, while 44 percent of independents think he should stay in the contest.
When queried about the mental capacity to serve effectively as president, nearly half (48%) said that Trump was their choice, while only 3-in-10 (29%) opted for Biden.
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Joe continues to blow it.