Laura Ellsworth, a businesswoman from the Pittsburgh suburbs, is reportedly strongly considering a run for Governor as a Republican in 2018, but her donations to Democrats could pose an issue with Republican primary voters.
Ellsworth donated at least $11,550 to Democratic candidates since 2007. During this time, Ellsworth gave significantly more to Republican candidates and causes, including over $30,700 to Republican candidates for federal office since 2007 and over $13,000 to Republican state candidates since 2013.
As the primary gets closer and the field of candidates and potential candidates gets clearer, operatives are actively looking into the background of the candidates and potential candidates for anything they can use to bracket and frame other candidates.
According to longtime Republican State Party member and Republican strategist Charlie Gerow, the donations to Democratic candidates will likely be a “difficult hurdle with State Party members.”
“State Party members will view multiple contributions as a problem, while one or two can be explained away,” Gerow said.
“Everyone who knows anything about politics or about me knows that I’m a Republican. I’ve fought alongside, volunteered for, and raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for Republican candidates and causes,” Ellsworth said in an email to PoliticsPA.
How much the donations will affect party members should Ellsworth decide to enter the race will likely depend on the story she can tell. President Trump was able to quiet critics of his donations to Democratic candidates explaining that as a businessman he had responsibilities to his businesses to give money to Democrats.
“Like Donald Trump, I was the head of a major business and, like him, I have written checks to Democrats and Republicans over the years; as President Trump said, it was part of doing business. Republican party members understand that business reality,” Ellsworth said.
Ellsworth’s federal donations will likely be the biggest issue with State Party members, especially her donations to former President Obama and Hillary Clinton. Ellsworth gave $1,000 to Clinton in 2015, and $2,050 to Obama in during the 2007-2008 cycle.
How effective Ellsworth deals with the donations will say a lot about her campaign if she enters the race.
“She has a good story. She is a very articulate woman. A female candidate has a good chance in any race,” Gerow said.
Ellsworth went on the offensive against people who might want to make the donations an issue if she enters the race.
“[State Party members] also understand that voters are fed up with people who think that the checks you write are more important than the Republican ideas and leadership you bring to the table. The candidate who pitched you this story apparently is one of them, and the fact it was done before I even enter the race tells me that person is afraid of what a new candidate might bring to the table for the Republican voters of Pennsylvania,” Ellsworth said.
26 Responses
a lawyer with absolutely no political experience running forPA governor reminds me of a real estate tycoon running for president. how pathetic.
it seems to me this is a cheap trick to get her name out across the s tate so she can run for a statewide judicial position.
Good point, I have also seen where individuals gave to both candidates in the same race.
Laura you can’t be serious and try and rationalize this by saying well Trump did it.
The first knowledge the primary voter will have of you is as Obama/Clinton donor.
Afraid your party is over before it begins. Do not embarrass yourself and waste your time and money. You are gonna regret this.
Donating to Dems isn’t always a bad thing for Republican Candidates, especially if they fancy themselves a moderate or are running in an area/state that has a high number of independents (like PA). The issue isn’t whattt she donated either, given that she sent way more to Republicans, its WHOOO. Hilary Clinton is the worst possibility. Obama probably 2nd worst. Republican State Party members will not forget this.
So what, so she switched parties?
She donated to Hillary and Obama. If you think repubs will ever vote for her your crazy.
Another RINO. Can we have Republicans who actually are Republicans? Mango is the best bet for Pennsylvania – but it is really depressing that Wagner and Ellsworth are supposed to be serious contenders. PA Republican party is decaying.
Analyzed this issue, months ago, with regard to Wagner; he is NOT the same individual who gave to lotsa Dems.
Except he’s the same guy who attacked his own daughter.
The PFA she filled against him claiming he choked her. The grandparents corroberated it. Then he openly attacjed a campaign tracker and stole his property. Really reasonable behaivor for someone vying to run our state. Sarcasm intended.
Also he switched to dem to vote for Rendell.
Yeah, like she even has a chance!! What a joke. I agree women have a better chance but the Republican party continue to nominate white balding men. Look at the Judicial race candidates.
I mean 3 of the 7 GOP judicial candidates are women but why let facts get in the way of an argument, right?
PA finnally has the opportunity to elect a real candidate for change with a plan. Its not Ellsworth who donated to Obama and Hillary(give me a break) or Scott Wagner,who switched to Dem to vote for phillys own, Ed Rendell. Its Paul Mango. He is the only one in this race worth betting on. He has a real chance to beat Wolf and he is not full of hot air with a couple of assaults following him into the race. Seems to me the dems are flooding this race with contention because they are scated they are losing PA for good.
You do know Hemingway blew his brains out with a shotgun? Does your name signify you will use a double barrel?
Mango supports medicaid expansion; disqualifying
And your a doctor? I thought doctors help people?
Not if it gets in his way shilling for wagner.
We need to stop letting cucks and RINOs run the Republican party. They must be insane to let Wagner or Ellsworth to run. Where did all the decent candidates go?
Paul Mango. Successful in business. Highly educated. Served his country. No bullshit he needs to hide like wagner. No brainer.
Hemingway, I’m glad you seem to like Mango so much, because no one else does. I would say the guy is as exciting as a ham sandwich, but that would be an insult to ham sandwiches.
Pulled the old dan Meuser
OMG, she did the same thing as Donald Trump. She can never get elected as a Republican. LOL