PPP Poll: 45% Believe Kathleen Kane Should Resign

Kane-sadYet another poll shows that a plurality of Pennsylvanians want Attorney General Kathleen Kane to resign.

The latest PPP survey found 45% think the AG should step down. 25% are against her resignation while 30% are unsure.

It’s also not just Republicans (55/17) that favor a resignation but independents (42/22) and even Democrats (37/34).

There is a significant gender gap, however, with 52% of men supporting a Kane resignation against 28% who are against it and 20% who are unsure. Meanwhile, just 39% of women want Kane to resign while 23% don’t want her to. 39% of women are undecided.

The Attorney General’s favorability rating is still incredibly low, sitting at 17%. Her unfavorable rating is 41%.

Finally, 56% of those polled feel Kane should not run for re-election next year while just 18% believe she should seek a second term.

Public Policy Polling surveyed 1,012 registered voters from October 8th to 11th. The margin of error is +/-3.1%.

124 Responses

  1. This is awesome. The shills and perverts and racists want all the vile disgusting material released. But Kane is letting it drip out …. SLOWLY … and PAINFULLY … for Fina & The Corbett Pervs anyway …. and Eakin & His Repervlican Buddies … Hey lool!! I just created a new one:

    Eakin & His Repervlican Buddies. I like it ….

  2. @ Ha3 [a.k.a. “The fake sklaroff”]:

    Have you conjured another fall-guy argument [other than the exhausted “porn” gambit] to defend your gal, AG-Kane?

  3. I promised never to get into a discussion with a mental patient. Below, you will see why …

    Somehow, to this TEA-slurping moron: porn = the Repervlucan led smear campaign has failed so badly.

    You know what’s worse than a moron? A repetitive, TEA-partying moron.

    The Repervlican led smear campaign was motivated by Kane’s recovery of e-mails that had material like the following … material that is NOT pornographic … but is very, very racist:


    That’s the stuff we now know Fina & The Corbett Pervs were sending around.

    The porn videos are sure to be revealed later!! Popcorn will be ready … Can’t wait to see the reaction to the one depicting a woman having “sex” with a snake. Let’s see what NOW says about the ones depicting graphic violence against women.

  4. @ Ha3:

    You inquired [“Huh? Porn? Who said anything about porn?”] and I reply, quoting yourself [“the Repervlucan led smear campaign has failed so badly”].

  5. @ Ha3 [a.k.a. “The fake sklaroff”]:

    Have you conjured another fall-guy argument [other than the exhausted “porn” gambit] to defend your gal, AG-Kane?

  6. Hilarious. The fake sklaroff is pretty funny. The “real sklaroff, as we all know, is a TEA-slurping mental patient who has met Ted Cruz THREE TIMES. THREE !!!

  7. [from the “real” rsklaroff]

    The prior posting isn’t from me and it reflects the fact that AG-Kane’s defenders have exhausted any legitimate defense for her [mis-]conduct.

  8. The key point really is and always has been: leaks …. Oh wait – Fina’s buddies leaked stuff too … OK – it’s the perjury trap Kane fell into …, Damn – Starr did the same thing to Clinton and he is headed back to the White House? … Got it now – it was actually her sister getting e-mails …. What’s that?? AG Kane can’t be held accountable for her sister’s actions!?! Divorce? Car accident! Umbrella holder?? OK … Here it is. Here’s the actual key point: BENGHAZI !!!!!!!!

  9. @ Ha3:

    The key-point, here, is that the e-mail tempest-in-a-tea-pot seems to have petered-out.

    Thus, “the empress has no clothes.”

  10. I am still in shock that the Repervlucan led smear campaign has failed so badly. 55% now do not believe that Kane should resign. Guess the non-morons are starting to figure out what really happened here.

    Looking forward to the Kane trial … and to the steaming pile of dung (sting) trial. POPCORN ready !!!

  11. Making fun of female domestic violence victims is not “mildly pornographic.” In fact, it is not pornographic at all. It is wildly inappropriate, though.

    Eakin is a pig creep. He should have the decency to resign – like McCaffery did.

    The fact that Castille and his cronies covered for Eakin is no surprise. After all, Castille (who wanted Kane’s job) signed off on the witch-hunt and then leaked details to the Press. He has No credibility … except with Repervlican wing-nuts (like sklaroff).

  12. 1) PA isn’t suffering at all (just the GOP and the people with porn emails).

    2) But, it’s okay with you for Kane to suffer punishment when she hasn’t been convicted or had a trial?

  13. Shame on Stilip! Is he gearing up for another election – is that why he wants his name in the paper? Karma Gene Karma!

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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