President Obama, Joe Sestak Attempt To Launch Second Costly Stimulus After First Debacle Failed Pennsylvanians

WASHINGTON – As the Democrats desperately attempt to save their reelection chances this November, President Barack Obama and embattled U.S. Representative Joe Sestak (D-PA) are planning to force taxpayers to fork over even more of their hard-earned dollars in order to pay for another massive spending bill after their first $787 billion “stimulus” debacle failed to create much-needed jobs.

Despite Sestak’s promise that the first massive bill would “save and create millions of jobs,” his state’s jobless rate has skyrocketed since it was passed in February 2009. Sestak even went further to call for more spending, calling the $787 billion price tag “small” and voting for a larger $1 trillion stimulus.

The Associated Press reports that the Democrats’ latest spending proposal “wouldn’t create jobs right away,” and as The Hill notes, Sestak even admitted yesterday that he and his fellow Washington Democrats are only “doing it for the polls.”

Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal editorialized that “The only path back to robust growth and prosperity is to stop this agenda dead in its tracks, and then by stages to reverse it. These are the economic stakes in November.”

“After failing to deliver on their economic promises, President Obama and liberal Congressman Joe Sestak want to raid taxpayers’ wallets once again – this time with higher taxes to pay for even more Washington spending,” said National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) Press Secretary Amber Marchand. “Our country cannot spend its way out of a recession, and Pennsylvanians cannot afford more of the same from President Obama and Joe Sestak. That’s why voters will elect fiscally responsible Pat Toomey in November – a proven leader who will fight to rein in government spending, lower taxes, and spur economic development in the Keystone State.”

As a reminder, Obama and Sestak’s first failed stimulus spending bill spent taxpayer dollars on wasteful non-job related projects, including:

  • $144,541 to see how monkeys react under the influence of cocaine;
  • $2 million to study exotic ants;
  • Almost half-a-million to provide quitting smokers with a smartphone;
  • $554,000 to replace windows at a closed visitor center;
  • $760,000 for a computerized choreography program;
  • $357,710 to restore an abandoned furnace;
  • Over $13 million for repairs at the remote Dry Tortugas National Park in Key West, Florida;
  • $700,000 to study why monkeys respond negatively to inequity and unfairness;
  • Nearly $300,000 to provide information on interplanetary weather. (Senators Tom Coburn, M.D. and John McCain, “Summertime Blues: 100 Stimulus Projects That Give Taxpayers The Blues,” August 2010)

Background Information:

In February 2009, The Unemployment Rate In Pennsylvania Was 7.2%. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 9/7/10)

Pennsylvania’s Unemployment Rate Is Currently 9.3%. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 9/7/10)

February 2009: Sestak Called The Stimulus “Absolutely Critical.” “U.S. Rep. Joseph Sestak, D-7, of Edgmont, praised the passage of President Barack Obama’s $787 billion economic stimulus plan by the House Friday, calling it an ‘absolutely critical’ step to salvaging the economy and assisting those hit hardest by the recession.” (Vicky Thomas, “Sestak: Stimulus Plan Will Have ‘A Significant Impact’,” The Delaware County Times, 2/14/09)

  • Sestak: “Without Any Question, This Will Slow And Have A Significant Impact On The Hemorrhaging Of Jobs. The Secondary Impact Will Be The Creation Of Jobs.” (Vicky Thomas, “Sestak: Stimulus Plan Will Have ‘A Significant Impact’,” The Delaware County Times, 2/14/09)

A February 2009 Sestak Press Release Said The Stimulus Would “Save And Create Millions Of Jobs.” “The stimulus measures include tax incentives for the development and implementation of green energy technology and funding for environmental protection and restoration; money to bolster Medicare and Medicaid and to help subsidize COBRA to protect Americans who have lost their health care coverage; and a range of business-friendly tax cuts and direct infrastructure investment to save and create millions of jobs.” (Rep. Joe Sestak, “Congressman Sestak Addresses League Of Women Voters,” Press Release, 2/21/09)

October 2009: Sestak Said “The Economic Stimulus Bill Stopped Our Economic Slide.” (Rep. Joe Sestak, “Congressman Sestak Urges Swift Senate Action On Climate Bill,” Press Release, 10/8/09)

  • Sestak Has Also Said The Democrats’ $787 Billion “Stimulus” Was Not “Bold Or Aggressive Enough.” SESTAK : “ Let`s give him credit for taking some good steps to stop the cratering of our economy, Ed. But no, we aren`t bold or aggressive enough. Nor do I believe that our first economic stimulus bill was bold or aggressive enough. Another 150 billion dollars, every model showed you, that we would have had hundreds of thousands of less unemployed today if we had taken more aggressive measures.”(MSNBC’s “The Ed Show,” 10/21/09)

Sestak Said The Stimulus Was “Bit Small.” SESTAK: “This bill is actually a bit small in my opinion, but it’s the right step.” (CBS 3, “Newsmakers,” 2/22/09)

Sestak Said He Would Have Voted For A $1 Trillion Stimulus. ANCHOR: “This Stimulus bill that was passed, roughly $800 Million, is it too small? Are we going to come back in the summer and have another one?” SESTAK: “It’s the minimum amount needed.  I would have voted for $1 trillion.” (NBC 10, 2/22/09)

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