Senator Pat Toomey raised nearly a million dollars in the second quarter this year, bringing his cash on hand to to $3.1 million a Toomey campaign source tells PoliticsPA.
It’s a strong showing, especially given that Toomey’s name won’t appear on the ballot for more than 3 years.
Toomey will need every dime to hold onto his seat because he faces what likely will be one of the marquee Senate races in the 2016 cycle.
Former Congressman Joe Sestak has already formed an exploratory committee and raised $458,700 in the first quarter of this year.
The 2010 election, when Toomey defeated Sestak by 2 points, came at the height of the GOP wave. But the two would share the 2016 ballot with presidential candidates, a factor that is shown to improve Democratic fortunes in Pa. – even if Sestak isn’t the candidate.
Some of Toomey’s donors made headlines earlier this summer because of their party affiliation. Democratic power broker and Comcast Executive David Cohen, along with Dem fundraiser Alan Kessler both organized an event for the Senator.
3 Responses
It’s not a question of Sestak running a “mistake-free” campaign. It’s his complete lack of a coherent message. If you can stay awake for even more than a few minutes of his speeches, you can realize that they are all just empty rhetoric and vague platitudes about “leadership”. Joe’s a leader the way Captain Queeg was on the Caine.
Joe’s problem has ALWAYS been that somewhere along the line he saw a movie where someone played a politician, and he decided he could play a politician by memorizing lines/issues/scripts.
This is painfully obvious to those of us there during 2006 watching Joe’s wince-inducing attempts to appear lose, relaxed, and natural while learning liberal talking points. We mistakenly chalked it up his not knowing how to deliver the points, but later it became obvious that he just didn’t deeply believe the things he was saying.
Though I personally believe that Sestak’s been a reliable Republican voter (Nixon, Reagan, and both Bushes), I don’t believe that he has any real core political beliefs. He’s basically a conservative, pro-war military guy who thinks the Dems are “p*ssies”.
He criticized Obama for plans to pull out troops from Afghanistan, and he voted WITH Bush twice for Iraq War funding (despite campaign promises to hold out for accountability). He voted for Telecom immunity and warrantless wiretaps.
Is this a liberal who is going to stand up to the NSA? Hardly. Joe was one of the guys in charge of “Deep Blue”. Joe boasted how the Navy has all sorts of microphones and magnetic signature detectors in the harbors to identify ships.
While no one was paying attention, Toomey voted against keeping student loan rates loan. That should go over well with younger, professional voters!
Sestak can beat him but must run a solid, almost mistake free campaign and be a little more kinder to his staff.
Sestak’s “exploratory committee”. What a load of BS. It’s a full campaign committee.