Quinnipiac Poll: Hillary Leads All 2016 Challengers in PA

Hillary-ClintonPennsylvania is Clinton Country.

At least that how it looks, according to a new Quinnipiac poll.

The poll tested Clinton against a number of potential GOP 2016 presidential nominees in the historic swing states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

Hillary performed strongest in the Keystone State, besting every challenger by double digits and posting a 55/38 favorable/unfavorable rating.

The former Secretary of State was tested against five possible Republican presidential opponents: New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee and former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum.

She leads Christie 50% to 39%. Against Bush she holds a 50% to 35% advantage. She pulled in 53% against Paul compared to his 34%. For both Huckabee and native son Santorum, she bested them by twenty points, 54% to 34%.

Her strength lies in her support among female and independent voters, as she leads each candidate by wide margins for each group. Clinton also beat every competitor among male voters, except for Christie who prevailed 45/42.

One interesting note is that Rick Santorum’s favorability numbers are underwater in his own state. The former Senator received a 33% favorability against a 42% unfavorability rating. 24% said they hadn’t heard enough.

“New Jersey Gov. Christopher Christie fares better than other potential GOP candidates against Hillary Clinton in Pennsylvania, but despite his ‘neighbor’ status he is nowhere close to challenging a candidate who is riding a tsunami of support from women,” said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

“While would-be Republican presidential candidates, even Native Son Rick Santorum, absorb less than stellar favorability numbers, Clinton has the closest thing to rock star ratings a politician can get in America today,” Malloy concluded. “Pennsylvania, which just elected a Democratic governor, is shaping up early in the campaign season as the bluest of the Swing States.”

The Quinnipiac survey was conducted from January 22nd to February 1st. 881 registered voters were interviewed live through land lines and cell phones. The margin of error is plus or minus 3.3%

One Response

  1. Good article, but there is one mistake. Pennsylvania hasn’t been a swing state for over three decades. Pennsylvania is a solid Democratic bastion.

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