Quinnipiac Poll: Plurality Favor Kane’s Resignation

kane-sad2A plurality of Pennsylvania’s voters believe Attorney General Kathleen Kane should resign.

According to the latest Quinnipiac Poll, 46% think Kane should step down.

On the other hand, 32% want the AG to stay. Still nearly a quarter of respondents, 22%, are not sure.

While these numbers are certainly not good for Kane, they are an improvement from August. Back then, Quinnipiac found a 49/27/24 split on this question.

Interestingly Kane’s strongest support comes not from Democrats, who favor her resignation by a 47% to 33% margin, but independents who are almost evenly split 36% to 33% (Republicans unsurprisingly back Kane’s resignation the strongest, 51% to 27%).

There is also no real gender gap on the question. 49% of men think Kane should leave while 32% believe she should stay. Meanwhile, 44% of women want her to step down against 31% who don’t.

Finally, Kane’s approval ratings are awful at just 24%. 52% disapprove of the job she is doing.

This survey was conducted by Quinnipiac University using live interviewers calling land lines and cell phones from September 25th to October 5th. They contacted 1,049 registered voters. The margin of error is +/- 3%.

56 Responses

  1. LOL … Another shill (RR) is here to tell us what is “separate” from what.

    Methinks the ladies doth protest too much.

    Eakin is a crybaby too. These guys have no problem “going back” and looking at behaviors of the people they throw in jail, but they don’t want anyone looking at THEM.

    Eakin is a disgrace. He needs to resign (regardless of what happens w/ Kane’s criminal matter).

  2. No. If given such a straightforward directive by the Judicial Conduct Board, Eakin wouldn’t be stupid enough to disregard it. Kane on the other hand? (Yes, rhetorical question.)

    The smart money says Bozo the Attorney General knowingly withheld the emails so she could save them to undermine Eakin when the situation called for it at a later date. As usual, she couldn’t contemplate consequences that happen more than 5 minutes later.

    If the Board finds that she failed to comply with a crystal clear directive in such an important investigation, she’ll be disbarred. This is separate matter entirely from her criminal trial.

  3. sklaroff – You sound even more imbalanced than usual. Eakin had a duty to turn over ALL his vile, racist e-mails. Seems he did not do so. Shame on him.

    Eakin needs to resign immediately (like McCaffery had the decency to do). Eakin ie is dragging down the whole Supreme Court.

  4. Observer #3 [& DD & Ha3] have argued falsely [“I wonder if Kane remembered that she signed that form. The government has to prove she remembered that she did when she said that she didn’t. A tough task … unless they have a mind-reader.”] when the law states that the false-statement-under-oath is felonious; it’s difficult to prove a given state-of-mind existed and, rather, the lie was interwoven with other untruths.

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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