The votes (about the votes) are in.
100 readers said they were were most surprised by the Pa. Dem. Superior Court primary, in which Jack McVay defeated Joseph Waters.
322 people voted in total, a reflection of the fact that it wasn’t a terribly interesting poll. Our bad.
79 were most surprised by the Pittsburgh mayoral primary, 55 the Erie Co. executive primary, 52 the Harrisburg mayoral primary, 41 the Bucks Co. prothonotary primary and 11 the Bethlehem mayoral primary.
Which primary race result was the most surprising?
- Democratic Superior Court race (McVay defeated Waters) (30%)
- Pittsburgh mayoral primary (Peduto defeated Wagner) (24%)
- Erie Co. executive primary (Dahlkemper defeated Grossman) (16%)
- Harrisburg mayoral primary (Papenfuse defeated Thompson and Miller) (15%)
- Bucks Co. prothonotary primary (Bachtle defeated Christian) (12%)
- Bethlehem mayoral primary (Donchez defeated Reynolds) (3%)
Total Voters: 338
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