Reader Poll: Do You Approve of Senator Pat Toomey’s Job Performance?

Official PortraitA few weeks back, we asked our readers to judge how the Attorney General was doing, so we thought this week we’d shift to the job performance of the state’s junior Senator.

Senator Toomey was first elected in 2010 and is just starting to prepare for his re-election effort in 2016. His previous opponent, former Congressman Joe Sestak, has already jumped into the race.

A Club for Growth Republican, it was thought by some that Toomey would be a conservative leader once he entered the Senate. While he has been a reliable Republican vote, the issue he stood out most prominently on was gun control, where he took a stance counter to his base.

Recently, Sen. Toomey was quoted as saying that the new Congress will be able to break the gridlock in the nation’s capital. We’ll have to see, but he might be a bit too optimistic there.

So, dear readers, what do you think of Senator Toomey’s performance so far?

Do you approve or disapprove of U.S. Senator Pat Toomey’s overall job performance?

  • Approve (58%)
  • Disapprove (42%)

Total Voters: 1,336

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11 Responses

  1. #Sestak2016. In the year of the tea party wave, Sestak came within a point of beating Toomey. He has the type of leadership Washington needs.

  2. True to his party, Toomey has been part of obstructing every move the President makes. I do support the ACA, and Toomey will try to repeal a bill that has been helpful for so many Americans. He’s on the wrong side of the immigration issue, gun control, and women’s reproductive rights. Senator Toomey, I wish you would just *try* to work with the Democrats, or we will have another wasted Congressional year of doing nothing.

  3. Why would I want to participate in a website that votes 68-32 for fanatical right wing ideologue Pat Toomey. You folks support a guys who voted nay on the fall ’13 debt limit vote…knowing full well it put the US in grave financial risk. Shame on all of you.

  4. Toomey has repeatedly supported corporations over people, right wing agenda for women over women’s rights, and a general attack on the environment. His p.r. always includes the word “bipartisan” but never on any substantive issues does he seem to consider having any real ability to compromise. He is a tool of athe wealthy oligarchs and it is a shame that a majority of those voting don’t realize it.

  5. Thus far, the Dem-oriented comments herein contrast with the 70-30 support in this poll for Toomey’s performance.

    Jus’ sayin’….

  6. I want a Senator who will defend a woman’s right to make her own reproductive decisions privately without government interference, a Senator who will support raising the minimum wage and workers’ rights, a Senator who will protect the environment and encourage sustainable energy sources, a Senator who recognizes that health care is a right for all citizens and will introduce a cost effective single-payer system. Senator Toomey does not represent the issues I care about.

  7. So Toomey says that the new Congress will “break the gridlock” eh? Does that mean the Senate will now pass the insane measures that the looney House Republicans keep sending over? If so, that should give Toomey’s 2016 opponent all the ammunition they need to get this smooth-talking snake-oil salesman out of the office he’s been hiding in for the past six years. Get your popcorn…this should be fun to watch!

  8. Always trying to say we will break the gridlock. Well Pat, your smoke screen was not good enough for me on gun control. You vote party line even on the handiest of pork filled bills. As usual all talk and no gain. One cannot break gridlock unless one is willing to vote honestly not because your colleagues are voting in such a way. If you are not informed enough about everything they jammed into a vote that does not make any sense belonging tied to it, by some ploy to get impassable things passed, vote no or don’t show for the vote.

  9. It is necessary to provide a bit of perspective when explaining why Pat is so popular; although no one can speak for Guzzardi, noting that he was ardently supportive of his primary-challenge to Specter a decade ago, I would attempt to channel some of what I recall was occurring, for it presaged growing recognition of his political maturity.

    As a disclaimer, I would want to note that I saw him [and his pregnant wife] @ a picnic deep in Bucks County ~6 years ago, and shared with them the frustration we were having when trying to find a synagogue that would invite him to speak; I had “advised” that he tackle the abortion-issue upfront [details deferred, here], and then discuss his “Fund-for-Growth” philosophies.

    Nothing worked, perhaps due to the entrenched-lib mentality within the Jewish Community which, perhaps, is eroding a bit after a relentlessly anti-Israel POTUS has ruled for more than a half-decade; Dems eschewed his input locally and nationally, a posture that they presumably have lived to regret.


    The morning after his primary-victory, I saw him @ NE-Airport [with FNC’s amazingly-skinny “Campaign” Carl Cameron] as he hit five cities [Philly, Allentown, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh, Erie] in one day; the evening of his November-victory, we saw him in Allentown [with Dom Giordano broadcasting-live].

    In the interim, throughout his campaign, he combined energy and intelligence, presaging his immediate acceptance into D.C.’s inner-circle [McConnell presided @ his evening-reception]; thereafter, it may be recalled, he was chosen to join those trying to effect a budgetary “Sequester” compromise.

    Thus, whomever competes with him will have to confront a guy who is down-to-earth engaging; he’s neither slick nor elitist [unlike people like the POTUS and Gruber].


    This means that, with regard to his ability to seek common ground [e.g., Gun Law], he will credibly recall the ability to “cross the aisle” meaningfully; yet, with regard to his principles, he will credibly recall joining with key-conservatives on major-votes.

    I have predicted that Josh Shapiro would be chosen over Joe Sestak [assuming no one else enters, such as McCord]; I have also predicted [based upon personal observation of both, over the years] that they would run a philosophically high-plane competition.

    I recognize the existence of x-factors [POTUS-year, PA voting Blue, etc.]; nevertheless, combining the power of incumbency with the legacy of balanced achievement will be difficult to dislodge.

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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