Governor Tom Wolf gave his third budget address this morning to a joint session of the General Assembly. He made it clear that there will be no broad-based tax increases in his 2017-2018 budget.
He said he intends to close the $3 billion budget deficit with a combination of $2 billion in increased efficiencies and cuts, and $1 billion in new taxes (eg. natural gas drilling).
With this being Wolf’s first budget in the two-year election cycle leading into his reelection efforts it is more important than ever that his budget goes smoothly and makes a strong case that he deserves another four year term.
So the question for you readers is this: Do you approve of Governor Wolf’s budget proposal?
Do you approve of Governor Wolf’s 2017-2018 budget proposal? Total Voters: 923
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8 Responses
Thank you CentPADem.
There is no bankruptcy option to fix the pension shortfall. Frankly, the ones who knowingly underfunded the pension because they thought investments would make up the shortfall should be sent to prison. It started in the Ridge administration and Rendell continued the policy. Every member of the Legislature that annually voted to underfund this obligation is guilty and should be punished for their crime. Your bankruptcy suggestion would only add to the crime as it would steal the pension from many working class people that only want what they earned and were promised.
Eliminate SCHOOL PROPERTY TAXES. Do something!
I’m sure Turzai and crew will whore themselves to the gas drilling and refuse to even consider the tax on them Gov. Wolf is proposing.
Isn’t it true that Jason High owns the east coast’s largest selection of Backstreet Boys memorabilia?
I would have liked to hear mention of the legalization of online poker vis-a-vis the revenue already expected in the budget from its introduction.
New ways to save $$:
1. Put Ted Dallas on a food stamp diet. His wasteline and our coffers will thank you.
2. Find the spare change hiding in Seth Grove’s fat rolls. He’s just like the old couch you keep in your basement.
3. Buy Scott “Don Quixote” Wagner and his trusty partner Jason “Sancho” High some lessons in excel so they can ride around PA in their little van chasing waste/fraud/abuse.
Governor Wolf we are not the fools you think we are.
contract 1.8 million of our taxpayers money to teach you how to be a leader? We pay a full staff of your wolfpack to give you information. Did you fire them all or just kick worthless Mary to the curb?
Mary backdoor contract and deals, how many contracts do you have with Mary and her partners that we are playing for? contracts that the Dem party is stuck with because of her deals.
If you want a fresh start kick them all to the curb. If not Wagner will be by to pick up your trash.