Reader Poll: Do You Think Quigley Deserved to Go?

John-QuigleyA lot can happen rather quickly.

For instance in the past week, ex-DEP Secretary John Quigley got into trouble with the Governor, was forced to resign and had allies protest his ouster.

Defenders see him as an environmental champion taken down by State Sen. John Yudichak in a power play. Opponents see him as a man out of his depth who was hurting the Administration.

We want to know, however, what you think.

Do You Think John Quigley Deserved to Go?

  • Yes (47%)
  • No (38%)
  • I'm Not Sure (15%)

Total Voters: 463

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12 Responses

  1. So, I guess the Big Oil and Gas lobbyists will get their way and be able to run Pennsylvania as they want to. Never mind about the citizens and the concerns about the contaminated water and air!

  2. The task force has been lopsided and Quigley really wanted ch. 78 to go through. Indeed, for the sake of all of us they need to. Ch 78 is far from perfect but what we have now is nothing. Quigley, unfortunately shot himself in the foot and in the process for those of us looking for reasonable regulations, he shot us in the foot too.
    His intentions were right on but his tactics were not.

  3. The only people who think the Chapter 78 regulations are unfair to the industry are people in the industry who don’t want to be regulated, their paid shills, and people who don’t know what they’re talking about. Sorry you have to clean up after yourself? Is it really that burdensome to look around for existing wells when you’re about to drill a new one? Getting rid of holding pits (for unconventional… conventional drillers still get to use them) is just common sense and it’s a best practice that most of the industry has adopted anyway. They’ve proven over and over again that you can’t safely use pits in Pennsylvania. Maybe in Oklahoma where there are no trees or creeks for miles, but not here where you can’t throw a rock without landing in an important watershed.

  4. Quigley was way too partial. Come on, he’s literally rallying environmental groups to give him an out for screwing the fossil fuel industry. Quigley was an idiot.

  5. Quigley ticked off many by blacklisting certain critics and preventing them from inclusion on the PITF. Government bureaucrats should never target large segments of the population for exclusion from important focus groups. But that is what Quigley (and Hanger) did, so many of us shed no tears for that [expletive deleted].

  6. Who ratted him out? League of Conservation Voters, for one, is backed by lots of Fossil Fuel money. The phony “Pennsylvania Environmental Council” is 100% industry funded, depsite its name.

  7. John Quigley had a vision and was helping to bring DEP into the 21st century. He has said for years that we can walk that line and develop Marcellus Shale with minimum environmental impact if the Commonwealth does its job and actually regulates the industry – a far cry from one of those moonbats who won’t get off their “moratorium hobby horse” and certainly no Corbett-era industry apologist. The e-mail may have been ill-advised, but it is definitely being blown out of proportion and it is a shame to see him go.

    I have to wonder, though: who ratted him out?

  8. We need people in government who don’t treat citizens like children and let them know what’s really happening to them and the things they care about on the inside. Kudos to Quigley

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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