Reader Poll: How Good Are Sestak’s Odds in a PA Senate Rematch?

PoliticsPA wants to know: If former Congressman and Senate hopeful Joe Sestak wins the primary in 2016, will he defeat incumbent Senator Pat Toomey?

The mystery behind Sestak’s $460,000 haul has been solved. In a video, Sestak 


announced that he would run for Senate again in 2016, ending speculation that he would take a run at Governor Tom Corbett in 2014.

If Sestak does end up winning the primary, it would set up the first US Senate rematch in Pennsylvania history.

If Joe Sestak wins the primary in 2016, will he defeat Pat Toomey?

  • Yes, Sestak will pull it out (51%)
  • No, Toomey will be re-elected (49%)

Total Voters: 649

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17 Responses

  1. We beat Sestak in 2010, we’ll beat him in 2016! The last thing we need is another Progressive Liberal in the U.S. Senate!

  2. Joseph Michetti-

    I’ve seen how he operates behind closed doors and out of the public eye (and so have my friends).

    He’s certainly not a straight arrow, and he’s a human being (but just not a particularly decent/honorable one).

  3. I know Joe personally. He is the stright arrow and a real human being

  4. Support former Congressman Tim Holden for United States Senate in 2014. The proven, effective, pragmatic leader and centrist Democratic was first elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1992 and served until January 2013. Support a proven leader with an ACTUAL record for getting things done! Congressman Tim Holden for Senate

  5. Scott-
    The GOP (and you) can’t seem to deal with Obamacare working and the rate of rise in medical costs has already started to slow. The 37 House votes to repeal it just demonstrate how the GOP is wasting time. It won’t be a 2016 campaign issue against the Democrats.

    Gun control might be more be more of an issue in PA. If so, Sestak will mention the few days he spent in Afghanistan once and had to wear a side-arm.

    If that staffer has some more stories about Joe, I’d love to hear them.


    Very true.

  6. Sestak can’t hold onto staff because he’s a huge a**hole. You need loyal staff to win. His campaigns are internal trainwrecks.

  7. Toomey will win – as every person in PA discovers over the next 2 years what is in Obama Care (taxes, fees – 40-50 and counting) that Sestak voted for his chances will go down the tube. Sestak is a liar – he lied directly to me in York, PA in the 2010 campaign – he told me read the Obama care bill when I handed him the 900 page version. Last year a former staffer laughed and said Sestak never read the bill.
    I will work 24/7 for Toomey – we don’t need Joe Sestak.

  8. Tim Holden is too socially awkward for Senate. It would be a Dan Onorato redux. Holden got crushed by Cartwright. His campaign promise last year was ” I can change”.

  9. DRAFT FORMER CONGRESSMAN TIM HOLDEN FOR US SENATE – 2014… Support a Pragmatic, Centrist Democrat with an ACTUAL record of getting stuff done. TIM HOLDEN FOR SENATE ’14

  10. Sestak will pull this out, easily. Toomey won by only 2% in 2010 in a Republican wave election with low Democratic turnout. 2016 will be a big Democratic Presidential year with Hilary heading the ticket. Even his support for background checks will not save Toomey.

  11. With his old friend Hillary at the top of the ticket?Sestak is the next junior senator from Pennsylvania.

  12. BTW, now that Sestak is a candidate, he should step down from that Omar Bradley Chair thing.

  13. Back in 2010 Sestak lost to Toomey by a small amount in a mid-term year that was a landslide for Republican candidates. 2016 will be a Presidential year, which will bring out more Dems, and the climate will not be anywhere near as favorable for Republicans as 2010 was, if the economy keeps recovering as it has been. I think it will be close, because there may be a little bit of Sestak fatigue, but overall I think the political climate will favor a Sestak victory…

  14. I’d put Sestak’s odds at 70%.

    1) He can raise enough money
    2) He won’t have some one-term congressman/a**hole challenging him to a primary (so he’ll be fully funded for the General election)
    3) It will be a Presidential year with Philly turnout

    Note: Any Dem who could raise the $10 -$20 million for this race would also have about the same odds in a presidential year (at least 60% chance, and 75% for a good candidate)

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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