Last week we asked our readers who the Democrats should support for Lieutenant Governor. With 1,015 votes counted, this was our most active poll of the new year. Out of seven named candidates, Harrisburg City Councilman, Brad Koplinski came out on top with a 52% majority of votes (525).
The next highest number of votes was for “someone else,” the eighth option on our ballot.
State Sen. Daylin Leach received 76 votes, closely followed by former US Rep. Mark Critz with 71 votes. State Rep. Brandon Neuman, former US Rep. Chris Carney, and Northampton County District Attorney John Morganelli tied at 6% with 60, 61 and 56 votes respectively. Bradford County Commissioner Mark Smith trailed the pack with 47, 4% of votes.
Who should the Democrats support for Lieutenant Governor?
- Brad Koplinski (52%)
- Someone else (12%)
- Daylin Leach (8%)
- Mark Crtiz (7%)
- Chris Carney (6%)
- Brandon Neumann (6%)
- John Morganelli (6%)
- Mark Smith (5%)
Total Voters: 1,015
8 Responses
Brad deserves the nod. He has willingly taken the heat again & again, holding firm that the government’s obligation is work and work well. That may make some unhappy from time to time, but you can’t effectively govern by just trying to please everyone. He’s a good government public official and we should have more office-holders looking to hold government accountable and in-check.
Chris Carney is scum
The Hyde Amendment is something that spineless rich old white men who have never had to make difficult reproductive choices impose upon the rest of us instead of standing up for the rights young women. The Hyde Amemdment contains no health exception. So if yare health insurance involves public funds (and that doesn’t just mean public assistance) you can’t obtain an abortion of it is going to save you from terrible health consequences, like if a woman developed complications during a planned-pregnancy that, absent an abortion, would render her sterile, or if the pregnancy is delaying cancer treatment. Also, here in the Commonwealth, public funds can only be used for an abortion in cases of rape and incest and to avert the death of the mother. Except the rape and incest provisions only kick in if the woman reports the rape or incest, together with her attacker, if known, to law enforcement. Do you know what percentage of women report their rape to law enforcement? 40. Do you know why? Have you ever seen what happens to the victims in rape trials? Evidently not, or you wouldn’t be naive enough to think that Hyde Amendment style language is at all protecting women’s reproductive rights.
And relative to your “other” Pennsylvania. We only have one Pennsylvania. The reason that places like Philadelphia and the Eastern half of the state are the determining candidate selection is because that is where the bulk of the people are.
All in all, I’d say the name “Buffalo Gal” is quite appropriate for you.
Certainly a western or rural moderate that hunts what’s for dinner, and thinks the Hyde Amendment is fine, would be a nice balance to someone that is decidedly urban and has little experience in the “other” Pennsylvania. Democrats will win if they represent all of PA>
A western or rural Democrat who supports absolute gun owner rights, takes thousands from right leaning industries and thinks a woman’s right to choose stops at what’s for dinner. Good luck with that.
1st Comment: Being Polish isn’t a crime. That sort of garbage has no place in political dialogue.
2nd Comment: so what you want to see is a 20 year career politician who is likely a Pro-NRA and pro-life DINO from someplace we can no longer win? All of the potential candidates are fairly young and have less than 10 years elected experience. That’s a good thing.
Alas, this poll is meaningless. It is in no way scientific. Anyone of these clowns could have enlisted a few friends to log on and vote. My guess is Koplinski had a kegger and some laptops and went to town. PA’s next Lt.Gov. won’t be a liberal wet-behind-the-ears councilman of a bankrupt city. In order to take out Corbett, the next Lt.Gov. is going to have to have some heft, and can balance a ticket that appears likely have a SE PA liberal at its top. That means west or rural, not Harrisburg.
The Polish Prince rises to the occasion. Pennsylvania is screwed if we have Schwartz and Koplinski.