Will Kathleen Kane step down, step aside, be removed, or ultimately vindicated?
That was the question we posed to our readers last week. Proposing a variety of different scenarios, we asked which one they thought would play out.
A plurality, 268 respondents, feel the Attorney General will resign.
161 believe she’ll be convicted in court while another 154 think she’ll be impeached.
One hundred and forty readers voted that Kane won’t run in 2016 yet still get to serve out the remainder of her term.
127 respondents, however, feel the AG will defy the odds and win re-election.
116 people believe she’ll lose the Democratic primary and then serve out her term while forty-seven responded that after a primary defeat she would resign.
Just 23 readers think that Kane will make it all the way to the general election only to lose next November.
The full results are included below:
How will Attorney General Kathleen Kane Leave Office? Total Voters: 1,036
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3 Responses
The Supreme Court will not start the procedure to take her law license until after the criminal charges against her are resolved. Remember, in America and sometimes in Pennsylvania, you are innocent until proven guilty. I get the rush to judgement by the former staff but we still do live by the rule of law and any action by the Supreme Court would be grossly premature and illegitimate.
She will NEVER resign.
Moot point.
Adios, law license.
The alternative that the Supremes will act wasn’t accommodated…and is viable.