Reader Poll: Plurality Support Senate Inquiry Into Kane

Kane-sadIt’s a split decision.

A plurality of our readers favor the State Senate’s investigation of Kathleen Kane.

Yet a majority of them are against it if you combine the results for those who want impeachment hearings and those that want nothing to happen to the AG.

321 readers support the investigation.

Meanwhile, 285 respondents don’t want the legislature to do anything until Kane’s trial is over.

Finally, 94 leaders want the legislature to start impeachment proceedings.

The full results are included below:

Do You Support the Senate Inquiry into Kathleen Kane?

  • Yes, it’s a legitimate method of investigation. (46%)
  • No, the legislature should wait until her trial is over. (41%)
  • No, the legislature should start impeachment proceedings instead. (13%)

Total Voters: 700

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45 Responses

  1. Looks like my Groupie Troll is up early today!! His Mom probably woke him up to go get Twinkies, Marlboros and Bedf Jerky ….

    Don’t stop though!! I truly am honored that a Repervlican TEA-guzzler has to use my screen-name to get credibility. TEA-on, troll-boy … TEA-on !!!!!!!

  2. Well it is a Kangaroo Court, Pat. And I couldn’t care less what you think of me. The Repervlican-controlled Senate is trying to use an obscure provision drafted in the 1800s to remove low level officials who have gone senile. The public has figured it out. That’s why 54% disapprove of what the Senate is doing.

    Thanks for trolling.

  3. Good points, Pat … except the part about what “everybody” wants. That was lazy. You are better than that.

    The Court will uphold the law. No need for necks to be stuck out – especially considering the recent poll results. They need to impeach her if they want her gone. That way she has her day in court and PA can move on. BTW – I may want her “gone” too – just not without a trial (which impeachment would provide her).

  4. There is little doubt as to what this fraud of a committee is going to do. This has been the plan for a while. The Clown Car’s goal is to “get rid” of the duly elected Attorney General of Pennsylvania without giving her a chance to defend herself.

    But, it won’t work. Even if Wolf agrees, AG Kane will take this to the Supreme Court (where the scum-bag bigot will have to recuse himself).

    No way the D-led PA Supreme Court allows this end-around on the Constitution. Wolf shouldn’t either.

  5. A key-concept that has not been raised in the media [or on this website] is that the major criterion that must be weighed should NOT be merely whether compensatory mechanisms have been implemented; if the overall output is demonstrably suboptimal, she should be targeted.

  6. The PennLive document mirrors my instant-analysis of weeks ago, notwithstanding what had been uploaded by Mr. Tate; AG-Kane is on-track to be recommended for removal within a week, with the full Senate corroborating shortly thereafter [with Wolf implementing the action apace].

  7. Ha3 Groupie troll at it again. What a sad, pathetic, TEA-guzzling loser.

    Probably a Pennsyltucky gun-lover. Bet he works at one of the rest-stops on the Turnpike. Probably has diabetes … of HepC …. Definitely an ugly wife ………

  8. Of course, the Democratic Governor and a vast majority of the Democratic senators want her gone too. Since I am unable to make any intelligent argument about that, I will simply call them all Repervlicans (because I’m clever and witty like that).

  9. First of all – anyone who thinks the Senate is “investigating” as the poll question indicates, needs to have their heads examined.

    The Senate is just trying to forego the trial that would be mandated by the Constitution if they were to try to impeach Ms. Kane.

  10. DD – Ypou see how the mental patient is begging you to indulge him?!?

    PLEASE DON’T DO IT. Just let him live in his World of Hyper-Links … Please.

  11. Good point, Marie. Trolls live for the attention we give them.

    Back to this poll — the 46% eat at Cracker Barrel.

  12. I read-through the Yardbird-hyperlink and its fatal-flaw can be illustrated by its climactic citation of “innocent until proven guilty”; this is a criterion that is applicable to a [prosecutor-defendant dynamic] criminal court but, alas, not to a legislative [fact-finding dynamic] proceeding.

  13. O, Pat, Ha3 – As another commenter put it: DO NOT FEED THE TROLL.

    He clearly has no life. His only human interactions are probably here. Best to ignore pathetic losers like that.

  14. The PennLive article [note hyperlink infra] contains the submission from AG-Kane that, itself, includes attachments that are damning; this presages tomorrow-p.m.’s testimony; one would anticipate that [using a chess metaphor], she will be placed in “check” and–after her testimony [assuming she chooses to appear]–the committee will “mate” her.

    Thus, again, noting both what I’ve written [hyperlink again provided] and what emerged in today’s hearing, perhaps a polling reassessment is in-order; on the other hand, events may move so briskly that the outcome will have been determined before the polling-period will have ended.

    The levity in this comment cannot be lost on those who continue to defend AG-Kane: “Tomorrow, the First Deputy and each of the Division Chiefs will testify tomorrow. Even though they are very experienced lawyers who have worked through multiple administrations and come from different political parties, I will take this opportunity to label each of them Repervlican Corbett Pervs from the Clown Car.”

    Haven’t heard from d2 lately; perhaps he’s gone into hiding while preparing his mea-culpa posting, per the homework assignment that he continues to evade….

  15. Looks like the troll has lost his mind (again). Does he really think there is only one person who sees this charade for what it really is? It would be almost sad if he is really that dumb.

  16. Tomorrow, the First Deputy and each of the Division Chiefs will testify tomorrow. Even though they are very experienced lawyers who have worked through multiple administrations and come from different political parties, I will take this opportunity to label each of them Repervlican Corbett Pervs from the Clown Car.

  17. The use of Pat’s and Ha3’s screen names by this troll needs to be stopped. I think I know who it is and will contact the moderators.

    Senator Williams is correct. These people should not be on the Bench or be District Attorneys. No way they can be fair to minorities and women. Their morals are in the toilet. And their judgment os clearly lacking.

  18. The poll numbers speak for themselves.

    Do You Support the Senate Inquiry into Kathleen Kane?

    Yes – 46%
    No – 54%

  19. Harrisburg author Bill Keisling was in the hearing and believes the Senate is overstepping its constitutional bounds.

    “This was a kangaroo court,” Keisling said. “If this is really a backdoor impeachment, it ought to be conducted by the House with the full protections of a House impeachment.”

    That would mean a trial, though. And the last thing the Clown Car wants is a full trial. They have gone to great lengths to make sure Kane never gets a trial.

  20. Kane thinks a woman’s place is being groped in the office by a dirty old man whom she just promoted to Chief of Staff.

  21. “New Office Motivation Policy Posters,” was the subject line of an email that Frank Fina sent from his government account.

    Attached were several images. “Take advantage of every opening,” read the caption of one photo, which showed a woman having anal sex. “

    Making your boss happy is your only job,” read the caption of another, showing a pants-less woman on her knees, performing oral sex on her “boss.”

    A 2011 email from Fina to his colleagues included … “Rainbows: Not as gay as you might think,” showing a woman in rainbow-striped underwear and stockings. Fina said that one was his favorite.

    How friggin’ bigoted is Fina? City Council has the answer for you. So does Senator Williams. The National Organization of Women does too.

  22. Oh wait, I see that NOW didn’t mention Kane at all. Sorry guys, I have a problem seeing “FINA” where an article says “Kane” and vice versa. I get so confused about those two! Anyway, I’m sure NOW supports a woman who ran on being a woman as her only credential for office and now stunk up the place in historic fashion. Not even a woman in the race to replace her! Go women! Promote sexual harassers!

  23. From today’s paper:

    “PORNGATE is escalating.

    Yesterday, state Sen. Anthony Hardy Williams, backed by civil-rights advocates, clergy and community leaders, accused state officials of participating in a “coverup” of the email scandal involving a state Supreme Court justice and other law-enforcement officials.

    Williams, the third-highest-ranking Democrat in the Senate, gathered his allies behind a podium at the Pennsylvania Convention Center to call for the immediate resignation of Justice J. Michael Eakin and those who failed to hold him accountable.

    “What has been described as ‘porngate’ should be described as ‘hategate,’ ” Williams said, referring to emails received by Eakin and others in the state’s criminal-justice system that contain sexist, racist and homophobic photos, videos and offensive jokes.

    Petition begins over Porngate scandal
    Eakin also sent inappropriate emails from his Yahoo inbox, although far fewer than he received.

    “This man should not, cannot, apparently has never been a fair jurist when it comes to all Pennsylvanians,” Williams said. “The substance of what we saw in terms of these emails reveals his true heart, regardless of his apologies.”

    Williams was joined by representatives from the NAACP, Black Clergy of Philadelphia and Vicinity, the National Organization for Women, the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the LGBT group Equality Forum, among others. They viewed the emails yesterday during a closed-door meeting with Williams, some seeing them for the first time.

    Last year, the state’s Judicial Conduct Board and the special counsel hired by the Supreme Court cleared Eakin of wrongdoing, saying the emails were largely unremarkable. But after seeing the emails for themselves, Williams and others said they doubt the legitimacy of those investigations.

    They have good reason to be skeptical.

    The Daily News reported last week that Robert Graci, chief counsel for the Judicial Conduct Board, is a friend of Eakin’s and served as general counsel to Eakin’s retention campaign committee in 2011. Graci, who did not publicly disclose that conflict, stepped aside from the current Eakin investigation after the story was published.

    Supreme Court Justice Corry Stevens told the Associated Press last week that Graci didn’t tell him about his relationship with Eakin – even when Graci called him to interview him about Eakin.

    “We cannot deal with a coverup. It’s time that we come together to make a stand,” the Rev. Jeffrey Goodson of Chosen Generation Church of God in Christ said yesterday. He described the emails he saw as “appalling” and “insulting.”

    The Inquirer reported Sunday that Eugene Dooley, one of 12 members of the Judicial Conduct Board, had himself received sexually explicit emails from former Supreme Court Justice Seamus McCaffery – another possible conflict that was not publicly disclosed.

    Eakin, 66, a Republican who was elected to the Supreme Court in 2001, has apologized for the emails. Some were circulated among a small group of lawyers, but others were sent to larger lists that included assistant U.S. attorneys, county judges and public defenders.

    Malcolm Lazin, executive director of Equality Forum, said that a special prosecutor with subpoena power should be brought in to get to the bottom of the mess and issue a public report.

    State Attorney General Kathleen Kane discovered the emails while her office was reviewing how her predecessor, Tom Corbett, handled the Jerry Sandusky sex-abuse case. Kane, a Democrat, is now facing perjury and obstruction-of-justice charges that she says are aimed at discrediting her.”

  24. I know exactly where the National Organization of Women stand on this:

    “New Office Motivation Policy Posters,” was the subject line of an email that Frank Fina sent from his government account. Attached were several images. “Take advantage of every opening,” read the caption of one photo, which showed a woman having anal sex. “Making your boss happy is your only job,” read the caption of another, showing a pants-less woman on her knees, performing oral sex on her “boss.”

    A 2011 email from Fina to his colleagues included … “Rainbows: Not as gay as you might think,” showing a woman in rainbow-striped underwear and stockings. Fina said that one was his favorite.

    How friggin’ bigoted is he? City Council has the answer for you. NOW does too.

  25. I wonder where the National Organization of Women stand on Kathleen Kane, who has done so much for women who hope to run for office.

  26. I think Kathleen Kane has been an overwhelming success. I believe in promoting sexual harassers. No, not just guys sending emails, I want full-on groping of women in the office! That’s misogyny KATHLEEN KANE STYLE!

  27. I voted for Kathleen Kane, even though she hadn’t been a lawyer for seven years. Know who Kane was working for during that time? HILLARY. HILLARY = Kane, Part II.

  28. Nick, I repeat, I have hated FINA since he prosecuted me, made my boy JoePa look bad, and showed Kathleen Kane to be grossly inexperienced. I’m on Kane’s payroll, but that shouldn’t matter.

  29. The 41% opposed is comprised entirely of my HaHaHa alternate screen names. There really isn’t anyone opposed to this proceeding. Everyone knows Kane has to go.

  30. Nick –

    Hidden in your article about Senator Williams calling for Eakin to resign is this:

    “Williams said he would not criticize Philadelphia DA and friend Seth Williams, though he did admit Frank Fina – who sued AG Kathleen Kane last week – and two other city prosecutors should have been fired ‘a long time ago.'”

    That should be an article unto itself, don’t you think?

  31. 46% in support of proceeding, plus another 13% in support of an even stronger proceeding = 147% in full support of Kane being AG4LYFE!

  32. LMAO …

    An “overwhelming” MAJORITY said NO —

    They DO NOT support what the Senate is trying to do.

  33. I think her trial needs to be conducted outside of PA, like she is going to get a fair trial, please. All the facts need to be out on the table and have a person with no skin in the political game make an educated decision.

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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