There’s no clear consensus as to how our readers feel about the Affordable Care Act.
The healthcare reform law, nicknamed Obamacare by its opponents, is currently being targeted by the Trump Administration and the GOP majorities in Congress.
459 readers favor repealing and replacing the law.
On the other hand, 229 respondents want modest reform.
Meanwhile, 185 readers want a single-payer system and 53 would like the structure to remain as is.
The full results are included below:
What Do You Think of the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare? Total Voters: 926
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6 Responses
I really wish PoliticsPA would stop these dumb polls. They are unscientific and amount to nothing more than a silly popularity contest. They cheapen the rest of the content on the site.
A plurality of my patients want a single payer system to pick up my bills.
This would be a more valuable poll if we knew who the readership of politics PA was. Right now a sample size this small and focused is less meaningful without context.
So how many of the R&R want it replaced with Single Payer or “public option” or Medicare for All? Versus how many want R&R with ????, since GOP has no replacement plan?
Add up the non-R&R and you get a majority NOT to R&R. Funny how THAT was not the headline.
How many such crumbs did Nick Field leave behind?