Our readers aren’t optimistic about Congressman Fattah’s political future.
In the last few months, a scandal involving his ex-Chief of Staff has ominously lingered over him and various investigations have raised questions about several of the projects he has steered money to over the years.
Considering all this, we decided to ask our readers whether they expected Rep. Fattah to still be in Congress one year from now.
361 readers believe he won’t be.
On the other hand, 138 respondents think he’ll survive these gathering storms.
The full results are included below:
Will Rep. Chaka Fattah still be in Congress one year from now?
- No (72%)
- Yes (28%)
Total Voters: 499

2 Responses
@Leslie Why would PolPA do that? Why would they be fair or even unbiased.
why wouldn’t he be in Congress a year from now, notwithstanding his retirement? He has continuously delivered for his district and has advanced issues that are important to our families. Please stop these auxilliary “bashing”campaigns. Why not pose the question in a different way? “Will you support Rep. Chaka Fattah in his re-election bid one year from now?”… Empower one’s vote, one’s voice.