Reader Poll: Rothfus Most Vulnerable

PoliticsPA asked which GOP Congressman is most vulnerable in the 2014 mid term election, and a majority feel that it is newly elected Rep. Keith Rothfus.

Rothfus, who won a tough election over incumbent Rep. Mark Critz (D-Cambria) in PA-12, received 45 percent of the vote (316 votes). Finishing in a distant second was PA-8 Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick, who received 20 percent (143 votes). 

PoliticsPA readers generally feel that the other congressmen who were polled are safe, as Lou Barletta (8 percent), Charlie Dent (7 percent), Pat Meehan (6 percent), Mike Kelly (6 percent), Jim Gerlach (5 percent), and Tom Marino (3 percent) were bundled at the bottom of the pool, only receiving single digit percentages. There were 704 respondents.

Although Rothfus has been chosen as most vulnerable, he likely won’t have to worry about a major challenge from Rep. Jason Altmire, who was tabbed to head up Florida Blue Cross Blue Shield.

13 Responses

  1. When Rothfus has a voting record that will more than likely screw over middle-class Americans and favors big business (With Norquist controlling the puppet strings we know that is how he will vote) just about any Democratic challenger will breeze by him in the 2014 election.

  2. Critz was vulnerable ergo the money spent by both parties in that race. The situation in the 12th will not be the same in 2014 as it was in 2012.

    Kathleen Kane and Tom Corbett/PSU/Paterno were the two biggest factors in play this year. (It was also amazing how many really thought Freed was Freeh of the Freeh Report.) Corbett’s endorsement of Freed and his not having a primary were two lessons to be learned about the consequences of the Governor interfering and acting like he is the head of the GOP and strong arming the state committee.

  3. Mr Speaker, I rise today to revise and extend my remarks because of technical difficulties with the House system. I would like to substitute Altimire for Critz. Thank you.

  4. Let Critz run. And let the PSU issue come up and then let the issue of Critz allowing women to be raped come up! That site on him has been up forever and he isn’t denying it!
    So in two years more people will see Critz ignores a rape issue in the military.
    Maybe Critz needs investigated!

  5. You should ask what people think now with the announcement that critz has a new job. Does this change their answer?

  6. Wonder if the Progressives will get George Soros to move Kathy Boockvar to Rothfus’ area. Mike Fitzpatrick is still laughing. Give it a rest, DNC. No one is intimidated by their hollow threats.

  7. LOL: Corbett (Shaler) and the head of the PAGOP Gleason both live in this district. Obviously, both were aware of the Rothfus racist mailers. Does the Institutional PAGOP own the racist tactics of th Rothfus campaign? What consultant produced those racist mailers?

  8. with the awesome Obama GOTV effort in support for the undercard, how could the Democratic candidates not win. Especially since Critz was an incumbant in much of the district.
    Also, Fitzpatrick’s might in Bucks County is similar to Greenwoods. Moderate republicans will forever rule the 8th district especially with John Cordisco has Dem Party Chair. It should be apparent that he is not capable of leading the party to any victory and the party will forever be second fiddle in Bucks.

  9. Keith will make a great congressman and he will be fine in 2014. All of you people thought Fitzpatrick was done and we see how that turned out. lol.

  10. One more thought: I am surprised that Governor Corbett would let his highest priority run on the race card! After the controversy of the voter suppression bill, I would have thought he would have wanted Rothfus and his Harrisburg operatives to take the high road to avoid further blowback!

  11. Loved KEYSTONE POLITCS article on this race! Isn’t it time someone in the free press of PA, re-printed one of the Rothfus mailers that turned Critz into a member of the BLACK CAUCUS? There probably is some Senior in Beaver who voted for Rothfus because they believed Critz to be an African-American! As Don King would say: Only in America!
    As far as Ms. Kane goes she bewitched me on the campaign trail! I hope she brings that old BLACK Magic to Harrisburg!

  12. Rothfus underperformed the rest of the GOP ticket, ROMNEY and SMITH in the PA 12th. He will be running with the ever popular Tom Corbett (ask PSU alums)! Rothfus was Corbett’s top priority in 2012! And most importantly, at some point, the race baiting, that was used in 2012 won’t work.

  13. i wonder how Keith is valuable well he cheat mark critz i hope mark Critz or a strong Democratic callange keith in 2014

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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