The results are in, and a plurality of our readers think that Danny Savage should be the Democratic nominee in the 177th state House district.
The 177th district is the district that state Rep. John Taylor (R-Philadelphia) is vacating next year.
36% if the 981 respondents said that Danny Savage should be the nominee. 30% said Sean McMonagle, 13% picked Joe Hohenstein, 10% said someone else, 8% said Patrick Wayland, 2% said Harry L. Enggasser, and 1% picked Justin Salmasi.
Who should the Democratic party nominate in the 177th State House District? Total Voters: 981
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3 Responses
The Democrats are verrückt (crazy) enough to put up another Anti-Catholic Pro-Abortion candidate (as it’s a litmus test in the democrat party—to promote planned parenthood).
The GOP needs a Catholic (like Taylor) who can unite Catholics to fight the evil that loves the Democratic Party, post- Hillary.
Recall Hilllary mocked Catholics in her lame attempt to be President of the United States.
i think for they should have a female democratic nominee and a female repubican nominee as well in 2018.
How many of the votes came from the 177th? 2?