Reader Poll: Schwartz Will Raise Most Money

Allyson-Schwartz-20121Jesse Unruh once said “money is the mother’s milk of politics”; it is essential to success. Therefore, the ability to raise money is a usually good barometer to determine a campaign’s chances of winning. In that vein, we decided to ask our readers which of the eight currently declared Democratic candidates did they think would raise the most money in the gubernatorial primary.

In an unsurprising result, the frontrunner Rep. Allyson Schwartz won the poll with 231 votes. State Treasurer Rob McCord finished second with 170.

After those two candidates, however, there was a steep drop off. 50 readers thought Tom Wolf, who pledged $10 million of his own money to his campaign, would raise the most. Katie McGinty, who the most recent polling showed to be in second place, only received 19 votes.

Rounding out the field, Jo Ellen Litz received 10 votes, while Ed Pawlowski got 7. 5 respondents chose John Hanger and but 1 reader chose Max Myers.

The full results are included below:

Which Democratic gubernatorial candidate will raise the most money?

  • Allyson Schwartz (47%)
  • Rob McCord (34%)
  • Tom Wolf (10%)
  • Katie McGinty (4%)
  • Jo Ellen Litz (2%)
  • Ed Pawlowski (1%)
  • John Hanger (1%)
  • Max Myers (0%)

Total Voters: 493

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One Response

  1. Is that taking into account that she brought over 3 Million from her congressional campaign.

    So if she ends up reporting 4.5 million she only would have raised 1.5. If any of the other candidates raise a similar amount I think that should change the perception that she is the front runner

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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