Reader Poll: Sestak Should Challenge Corbett, Edges Casey by 1 Vote

PoliticsPA wanted to know which Democrat should run against Governor Tom Corbett in 2014, and the results yielded two big names: former Rep. Joe Sestak and Senator Bob Casey.

Sestak edged out Casey by one in the poll, receiving 396 votes to Casey’s 395. Each received 20 percent of the vote. State treasurer Rob McCord finished as a close runner-up to Sestak and Casey, receiving 18 percent of the vote (347).

Rounding out the vote was Montgomery County Commissioner Josh Shapiro with 9 percent, Rep. Allyson Schwartz with 8 percent,  Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter with 7 percent, State Sen. Daylin Leach with 7 percent, Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski with 4 percent, Businessman Tom Knox with 4 percent, and Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald with 3 percent.

PoliticsPA drafted the poll before former DEP Secretary John Hanger floated his name as a possible candidate.

1,937 voted in the poll.

Which Democrat is the Best Choice to Challenge Tom Corbett?

  • Former Rep. Joe Sestak (20%)
  • Senator Bob Casey (20%)
  • Treasurer Rob McCord (18%)
  • Montgomery County Commissioner Josh Shapiro (9%)
  • Rep. Allyson Schwartz (8%)
  • Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter (7%)
  • State Sen. Daylin Leach (7%)
  • Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski (4%)
  • Businessman Tom Knox (4%)
  • Allegheny County Executive Rick Fitzgerald (3%)

Total Voters: 1,937

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13 Responses

  1. I think Admiral Sestak has his eye on a rematch with Sen. Toomey … I would be somewhat surprised if he put his hat in the ring for Gov. But anything is possible.

  2. I’ll never support Sestak in a primary again after what happened with the 7th this year. I suspect I’m not alone.


  4. Sestak is nothing but a republican in democrat clothing. I would not vote that man if he was the last man on earth.

  5. I would be very disappointed were Casey to decide to run for Governor, not because he wouldn’t make a good Governor, he’d make a great Governor, but because if he’d be putting a Democratic Senate seat at risk. We’ve got a guaranteed Democrat in that seat for the next six years as long as Casey stays healthy and doesn’t retire or switch jobs. Additionally, I think having a pro-life Democrat in the Senate is good for the party.

    I think in general it usually makes sense to run a “name” guy who is not currently serving in an important position that could go to the other party if he left it for a new one. The Democratic Party needs to make sure that if a Democrat wins the state house in a couple years, it’s not at the expense of a Democratic seat on Capitol Hill. You don’t want to turn what could be a pure win into a mixed blessing.

  6. I endorse former DEP Secretary John Hanger for PA Governor. He has a fair and sound outlook on our complex energy and environmental needs. Best luck, John.

    His position on fracking seems very close to mine, and most realistic: If we have to have it (and I don’t see a plausible transition from fossil fuels to renewables without it), we need to protect our citizens and environment, and capitalize on Marcellus shale to the benefit of all. I don’t see a gubernatorial candidate rigidly opposed to fracking winning PA.

    Corbett’s allegiance to our citizens and environment is suspect, given his $1.8M+ in campaign contributions. We’ll have to see how Eugene DePasquale’s audits turn up. DePasquale promised me those would occur on “Day One” during his candidacy.

    Hanger criticizes the Governor for not doing enough to benefit all: “Despite a falling national unemployment rate and a global energy bonanza, Tom Corbett produced rising unemployment. It’s jaw-dropping,” Hanger said on PoliticsPA, which first broke of his candidacy.

    This seems very close also to DePasquale’s, who I worked hard to get in as Auditor General: Eugene will “support the growth of the natural gas industry, but more importantly, to ensure that communities throughout Pennsylvania have the tools necessary to ensure safe and abundant natural resources.”

    Hanger has long been a tireless advocate for renewable energy. I am confident that will continue.

  7. Casey is horrible in debates and would get trounced by Corbett.
    Sestak is far left and will lose the “T” in massive fashon.

    McCord is the best shot against Corbett, if he wants to waste his time against an incumbant.

  8. Will Sestak really move to Pennsylvania to make the run, or is Virginia a new part of the Commonwealth. Also Sestak’s expertise is not in the key state issues, which are education, transportation, medication and incarceration.

  9. McCord just got out of an election and he is also boring. He has the inside track and backed by the “in” crowd. McCord just ran a campaign and did not campaign very hard. Sure, he made appearances in the big markets but Sestak was everywhere and NOT running for anything.

    The more I talk about Sestak the more I hear he has some baggage. He has a house in Virginia. I hate to say it but that doesn’t matter. Many rich people have multiple houses. I think that comes down to merely where they are registered to vote.

    Why was he terrible on top of the ticket in 2010? He lost to Toomey in “Tea Party” 2010. Many Dems lost. Sestak only lost by 2 points.

    Casey does not run. He just won re-election for Senate and he did not do the greatest job campaigning either. Smith almost closed a 20 point gap. Casey somewhat sat idle during it all.

    Either way, the candidate has to come out of SEPA to raise enough money to fund the campaign. The LT. Gov will have to come out of Scanton-WB or Pitt. They could then run as a team.

  10. Seconded on Sestak, but he lives in Virginia anyway, and shouldn’t be eligible to run for gov of PA.

    The think the list is more reflected of “Who could beat Corbett?” as opposed to “Who would Dems like for Gov?”.

    Though, think Dems agree that while Daylin is far too liberal (ie correct on most social issues) and too irreverent (ie truthful) to be elected statewide, we would LOVE to have him as Gov.

    Sestak, Casey and McCord have shown they can raise big money, which is why they are at the top of the list, as money is associated with electability.

    Casey just got out of an election, and I don’t see him jumping in to bust his ass raising money for the next two years, to fight Corbett, when he can sit back in the Senate for six years.

  11. Well one thing that is guaranteed is that Sestak will HUGE opposition from Democrats throughout PA. He was terrible at the top of the ticket in 2010 and nobody wants anything to do with him in 2014. Casey probably won’t run. So hopefully either Schwartz or McCord gets the nomination because Sestak is the worst option.

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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