Reader Poll: Vice President Toomey?

Now that Mitt Romney has the GOP nomination in the bag, the biggest national question is who will join his ticket. One name that’s stayed on the margins of the discussion – but still mentioned – is Senator Pat Toomey. Do you think he has a shot?

ICYMI – the Washington Post has a fun VP Pick ‘em feature – check it out.

And don’t miss this throwback – Toomey’s own foray into the 2008 Veepstakes via Wall Street Journal op-ed. His suggestions for John McCain included Sen. Jim DeMint and former Gov. Mark Sanford.

Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

  • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
  • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

Total Voters: 27

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10 Responses

  1. The first this a fella did when he got elected was to hire a corporate lobbyist? The guy ran on a platform of doing away with that type of politico mindsedt. Then he hires Lobbyist/Hack Chris Gahan? Romney would do well to dump the notion of Toomey asVP.

    – Sen.-elect Pat Toomey (R-PA) selected former corporate lobbyist Chris Gahan as his chief of staff. Gaham previously worked at the lobbying firm Latham and Watkins.

  2. If I were Romney, this would be my short list…in order of preference:
    Toomey, Portman, Rice, Rubio, Hutchinson.

    Toomey is simply the most logical given the environment in the party and the clear issues facing the country internally. Toomey gets VP and the rest of the list get cabinet post (Rice as SecDef for instance). Toomey is best positioned and has developed national reach, established ability to compromise without giving up principle and has proven he can think big and pass legislation alone the lines of that big thought. Pa folks should be leaning hard to put him in play. It fits.

  3. I don’t think either are a real possibility, but probably Sen. Toomey more than Gov. Corbett.

  4. No way, he voted against the violence against women act. Corbett no way, he’ll live with his asprin & don’t look comment.

  5. Portman or Daniels are the top choices. Toomey is too Wall Street. Corbett would be a disaster but entertaining to watch him self-destruct (even more).

  6. Toomey is nowhere near VP material. I agree that his staff is major baggage for him. Serious issues there.

  7. Please pick Corbett, it would be entertaining watching that dolt flounder in the national spotlight. He’ll make Sarah Palin look smooth.

  8. I agree with Henry. I know Joe Sterns and he is super-arrogant. Pretty friendly with a bottle too, as best I can recall. His wife Grettle is equally as abrasive and arrogant. Both beating the drums about pensions when they themselves are at the public trough. Hypocrite is being kind Henry. They will both pull Toomey down. I wonder if Pat Toomey sees it though? Ho-hum.

  9. He doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in Harrisburg… Ooops, I mean hell! Not with the likes of hypocrite party hacks like Joe Sterns in his corner. Toomey would be best served if he dumped Sterns!

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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