Pennsylvania is a quirky state. Despite having a Republican Governor and GOP majorities in state government, we’ve gone blue in presidential contests since 1992.
Which of the currently talked-about hopefuls do you think would stand the best chance in the Keystone State?
We’re talking about a general election, not the primary. If you think we skipped any names, let us know in the comment section.
Which Republican would have the best shot in PA in 2016?
- Chris Christie, New Jersey Governor (53%)
- Tom Ridge, former Pa. Governor & DHS Sec (12%)
- Jon Huntsman, former Utah Governor (7%)
- Rand Paul, Kentucky Senator (7%)
- Jeb Bush, former Florida Governor (4%)
- Ted Cruz, Texas Senator (4%)
- Marco Rubio, Florida Senator (4%)
- Rick Santorum, former Pa. Senator (4%)
- Scott Walker, Wisconsin Governor (2%)
- Bobby Jindal, Louisiana Governor (1%)
- Paul Ryan, Wisconsin Congressman (1%)
- Rick Perry, Texas Governor (1%)
Total Voters: 701
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10 Responses
Huntsman would be the best shot… He’s endorsed gay marriage, has a strong energy record, and is more moderate then the other choices.
Clinton will win against anyone in Pa. Unlike
Obama, she is a winner in ALL corners of the
This depends on who the Dem nominee is. If it’s Clinton, Christie is the only GOP who can win PA (ignoring Tom Ridge, since that is just a bizarre option). If a more liberal white candidate gets the nomination, I could see Christie, Huntsman and maybe Walker winning.
Rand Paul gets my vote!
None of the above, no republican stands a chance of winning in Pa.
Dave…. I am LMFAO! Mickey should be on this list.
Why is Karl Rove’s amazingly off prediction of Election 2012 the picture for this article?
You should add “Mickey Mouse”, because he has as much chance of winning PA as anyone else you’ve listed.
Why isn’t Jon Hunstman an option?
Tom Ridge would definitely do well in Pennsylvania, but he’s not going to run. He’s served the public and served them well.
Chris Christie will do well, especially in SEPA.